TheReccher's Posts

Was Paulie's nickname "Walnuts" ever canonically stated? Has J-roc ever thrown an n-bomb? I don't buy you as the true author of a movie if you only directed it. Thanos reminded me of MCU Kingpin a little bit. Gotta be honest, this one isn't clicking for me. Why do so many writers write women as complete cunts? They're 90 pound women. Just punch them and leave. Am I suppose to like this guy? Can we finally strop pretending Spike Lee is a great film-maker now? Why was Season 4 so lousy? Why is Harley so OP in this? Honestly, this movie was too short. How did Kubrick get away with the "nigger cook" line? Films that show the black struggle garner free praise. Let's finally admit it. Will he be remembered as much as Nicholson, Ledger and Hamill Jokers? Am I the only one that thinks this show's fanbase is kind of terrible? There is zero chance this is going to be a bad movie. Seriously though, why does James Bond have to be white? The story about his black wife, sincere or bullshit?