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Threadkiller's Posts
The "lovable" bumbling loser character almost ruins the movie
WTF was he thinking with that kid at the begining?
I knew I recognized the co-lead actor from something i'd seen him in before
What's with all the lesbianism?
Surprised that Johnny Lee Miller never got a real shot in Hollywood after this
Looks like a stock photo of Sigourney Weaver from Alien Resurrection
OMG! Who the the hell cares?
Jody was an idiot for surrendering.
Adriana vs Giuseppina - Who was Dumber?
Michelangelo is the only turtle with no lines at the farmhouse
Why The Force Awakens was the fatal blow to Star Wars
So basically "Gone Cuckold" instead of "Gone Girl"?
T'challa was retired because of "agenda", not to honor Chadwick Boseman
This Kyle Rittenhouse case is VERY important to white supremacists
If you like The Witcher franchise you'll like this
*Minor spoiler request* Was he drugged? My problem early on
The first episode of season 2 very similar to The Simpsons- S07 E14
Why couldn't Joe just stay with Susan?