KandidatRasputin's Replies

Nick Offerman is great in this. The female lead is pretty bad, though. They should have chosen somebody else. She is just not believable. Some of the scenes are just condescending to the viewer. With over-explanation of the simplest scenes. If HBO made it, it would probably be much better dialogue and writing. I agree. Her acting is bad, and it kind of ruined the show so far. That's what we get when artistic integrity is sacrificed for political correctness. Nothing new under the sun. Duh. Goats are stubborn as hell. Not easily led. Sheep on the other hand. The opening song 'Starless (and Bible black)' By King Crimson is taken from the album 'Red' I thought it was a homage to them!? Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think it's that black and white. There are tons of people who have a healthy relationship with cannabis, that you can't even tell that they smoke weed. I can make the same generalization about sport fans. All people who like sports are drunken idiots who paint their faces and wear XXL jerseys with the number on their back; a number which is apparently representative for their IQ as well as their favorite player. Who takes pride in other peoples accomplishments. Cheering their heads off for some douche on a bicycle just because he happened to be born in the same country as them? Or maybe some people just like to watch a little sports now and again. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.