MovieChat Forums > Birdmant7 > Replies
Birdmant7's Replies
Well, I had to endure "Ashley Judd" all because I liked this show and she was the only
cast member that just didn't fit the cast at all. I know being a fan of hers, you don't agree
or see that her acting is like she is on something like a morning Soap opera-like "Days of our lives";
where everyone is just reading their lines from memory and they move like its all mechanical and marked;
its all expressed emotions and over the top. Ashley Judd was known for that in the 80's and 90's, and films like "Double Jeopardy"? And unlike other actors who continue to grow and challenge themselves, Ashely Judd, plays almost the same
character in every film, no matter how much she tries to humble herself or dress down, change the hair, its always
the same person. I liked the film "Eye of the beholder" because it was a short budget and a lot of work went into this little
film, but there was several key essentials scenes that tied into this character she played, a very troubled girl who became a killer, but Judd only took this character to maybe less than 40%; she was not consistent and that type of character,
is not expressed through action, its more internal and projection of pain and misery build into a person that
in some films you know from the first time the actor who plays it is there, but not with Ashley Judd. She got to become
an actress due to her family and sisters and she also managed to get into one film like HEAT that I loved, and she was
ok, because she played the angry unsatisfied selfish self that she has made a career out of.
Her career is in TV and cable now, if she was that great and that amazing you think after 20 years, with all her fame and contacts in Hollywood she would be doing top features today? but that is not ever going to happen with her, because she has not grown and change as an actor, she always played safe and never took on anything that was challenging or opposite of who she is. Her acting in this show confirmed to me she is the same.
I think we are back to the same Cat and Mouse chase of the first two seasons;
where Chuck is after Axe again?. I think next season 5 maybe the final season?
I don't think Taylor can fool Axe or Chuck to Chuck think he is helping him and Axe
also is too suspicious of Taylor if she is too soft and easy to go along with everything.
I agree, I just started to watch season 2 and I had a hard time watching episode 1 and 2 and when I got the 3rd one I just stopped watching it almost 10 minutes into it, it's just feels like a waste of time. I also can't stand this actress "Emily Browning" who plays laura Moon, she can't act to save her life. She has a weird look and her expressions are always repeated like a robot, she has a big head and with that mop she calls hair and I thought it was only because of her being dead on this show to make her look like that, then I saw her in "The Affair" and she looked the same and as annoying as she is in this show. This is why shows like this go down the drain, its not just story but the casting bad actors.
I just added to my ignore list, goodbye RETARD Troll
thanks for that, but it takes one to know one, you just can't let it end?
You have keep saying more crap because what I said hit a cord in you, due to your insecurity issues, which you want attack to call me "arrogant"?! because I may read more than the average joe ? Because if you had read enough then you could see all that what I said here yourself. Again, even what you said about something like reading Macbeth then you realize that Shakespeare was and still is to this day, regarded as among the best writers who wrote the blue print for character development, go and listen to RR Martin's interviews or other writers who learned from Shakespeare. But you fail to understand that if you had read Shakespeare's work then you can even see characters like Danny's motives much earlier then the average viewer, or in your case whose just thinks Martin just wrote these books as "culture tv show? ; fantasy books"??? There is lot more to GOT than being fantasy show..
If you even knew how DUMB you sound just saying that, then you would not keep replying to me. I studied Philosophy and English literature for years, so yes I may sound arrogant to you but at least I don't talk out of my rear end like you who can't recognize the style of Martin's work renders a great deal to Shakespeare and Tolkien ; the very foundation, the very landscape of it is Shakespeare, so was David Chase with Sopranos", even though I never liked that show; but I recognized where he got ideas from, because those are like great mythologies that has a global effect; if you ever read Joseph Campell then you know how far these mythologies tie into the GOT. That's what all of these stories tie into, Mythologies that's what made STAR WARS had such a huge success all over, the journey of a Hero, it was another odyssey.
I am going to add you to the ignore list, so rant as much as you want. You really need to GROW UP.
ok good for you, BYE
Ok I get your point, but I am telling you something you just don't want to accept it or want to just argue to prove your point?. I had a feeling from the beginning that Danny had a arrogant attitude with a claim entitlement; also her reaction to her brother's death, the way she killed one of the slaves when she could have spare him. Also in the entire show there was not one mention of her from the people of the 7 kingdoms to even want her to come to their rescue to be their leader. To me there was a lot of signs that were just dismissed by majority of the audience, because they wanted her to be Queen, I did NOT like this character at all from the start of the show, because anyone who thinks they have right due to some blood claim is just sounds arrogant and selfish to me.
You keep saying the books have nothing to do with TV medium?.. I am sorry that's where you again miss the point, regardless of these two producers edited and shortened the show, they did however manage to portray some of the characters and the essence of these books to the screen, to me the signs were there and if you go back and watch some of the early seasons then you may become more aware of them. I honestly don't need to prove anything to you or anyone here, the problem with most of you who argue is that you DO NOT READ books and novels; that's the inherent problem, where do you think the TV shows get most of their stories from? especially when its a series of BOOKS for GOT.
Which part of my reply did I say I knew that from "season one"?
It's just seems ever since I posted this thread I keep getting asked weird questions that I do my
best to answer. So I will explain the best as I can but whatever you choose to believe is then your choice.
I knew maybe around season 5 or 6 that yes Daenerys or even Jon Snow will NOT be leaders of the 7 kingdoms.
It's just how I felt about the show's story, its also because I READ BOOKS and NOVELS, maybe that also help you.
I don't care what the show runners knew or didn't knew, it was just a intuitive feeling I had from watching this show's story unfolding. Nothing was black and white and it never was about good versus evil; it was about a lot more close to how unpredictable life really is and if you really look at season one and how Ned Stark died; that was the clue and how the this story was going to unfold, I already felt once Ned Stark died that everyone else we liked or disliked will die off on this show. So sorry, it maybe a random guess to YOU but it was want not to me, I actually thought that Tyrian will become king, but that my only random guess that was came close because he became the hand of the hand of the King.
I doubt even if you read one of the books you would get what this story was about and I already got it the first season when Ned Stark died, that was the clue to the entire direction of the show, and yes I get two mediums but its you who can't even get one of them...Lol
Ok Troll take a hike and Troll on another and take your retard brain with you.
I hate morons like you who want the things and life to be they way you wanted to be, but that is just a sign of immaturity and even this entire show was about the life is UNFAIR, get it you retard???
long explanation maybe for someone who never bothered to even read the books, long explanation for someone who never really comprehended the core themes of the show. I hope that was not long for your brain to read?..
The writers or the two pricks D&D were rewriting the show by editing the books to end the show, for whatever reason which does not make sense, but this rush also killed parts of the development of the story as to why", where its missing and caused an incoherence. These two were trying to rewrite something that was way over their head, I mean RR Martin took maybe about 20 years to write the first few books and then these two want to edit a masterpiece ?
"Season 8 was rushed to bring resolution so D&D could go work on Star Wars and HBO could start developing the prequels to milk more money off the GRRM fantasy world"
I agree that yes season 6, 7, and 8 were all rushed and 8 was a mini compare to the rest of the series, and if you ever read my previous posts on D&D then you know that I think they are both two greedy pricks, typical Hollywood jerks who exploited a writer for his great novel; even RR Martin was not happy how the show caught up with the books because D&D butchered the books and edited the very essential parts of the story that caused an incoherence to the rest of the story, that's why people like you notice the lack of story development. The whole show is missing the issue of development in many parts; its all goes back to these producers who even had the audacity to finish the story in their own version when the books have not ended yet?. Why would HBO and these two jerks rush to end this show when its had a global success and it could have go another 5 seasons with the same fans who were hungry for more? this is something I will never understand about that industry?
Also you generalized my statement about Power and you think every story is about love and power, etc,? I am sorry again you are missing the point because this show was unlike other shows, if you bother to read even the first book then you may understand that Martin's point goes deeper. Those that were in power from the start Robert, Ned Stark, Lanisters, Frays, Boltons, Jon Snow, and Deanrys,, each represents the many aspects and features of power structure; such as strength, deception, claim, justice, ambition, manipulation, ruthlessness, vanity, fear and all of these is bound by the element of FATE. Ned Stark was a man of virtue and yet he was killed for his principles; Cersi could not control the death of her children either that was echo of how the universe is so chaotic, that had been the core message of this entire show that nothing is certain or they way we want things to be in life.
Interesting point about Subversion and in a way you can I guess think that but I think choosing Brand was more to do with wisdom and empathy.
Wow, your assessment of Bran has no logic but based on dislike/hate and its subjective;
that's why people like you don't even comprehend this story's dynamics and structure.
To you is good guy versus bad guy, like a western, right?...Lol
you are 100% correct on both issues and there were actually many other aspects of the story that was edited and butchered it books and cut the show shorter and shorter seasons by the two Hollywood greedy pricks D & D who caused a huge incoherence in the entire arc of the story too. If you go and listen youtube and listen to RR Martin interviews that he said several times that the show should have gone over 10 seasons, with exactly 10 episodes each, and what I don't understand is here is this hit show on HBO with a global audience, that is making these two so rich and famous, along with the cast, then why would you want to cut it shorter to catch up with the books? why would would you want to end it sooner than the books that are not written? these are things that I will never understand about Hollywood decisions, because a show like GOT will come once in maybe 20 or 30 years and we have not had anything to even compare to and the audience and fans would have watched it for another 5 years without missing one episode but the TV/cable world is just as chaotic and uncertain as the 7 kingdoms...Lol
I think you are missing something about the theme of this show. Bran is NOT ruling alone, that scene with Tyrion arranging the chairs and the people showed up that table are his new administration. That scene was there for a reason and it was pretty long. I knew from almost 4 or 5th season that who ever ends up King it wont be either Jon or Danny, those were what many or majority of FANS wished for, but they dismissed the very core of the story and theme of this show was that it was about shift of power. Those that were in power from Robert, Ned Stark, Lanisters, Frays, Boltons, etc, each represents the many aspects and features of power structure and Bran was someone who unlike anyone was not seeking power and nor did he wanted it but his ability to see the past and see what mistakes caused wars and also having Tyrion at this side along Davos and Sam, Brieane etc, it is what makes the entire infrastructure of what Bran's administration; to have the support of experience that he needed on his side. I personally always thought Tyrion will end up being King, that was my hope but Bran choosing him for hand is actually made me realize how their pairing is what makes to work, so what you are forgetting that its not just Bran, its a whole package that comes with Bran that fills in the gaps for older experience he may lack to get council from. All those people we saw around the round table with Tyrion went through hell on this show to know they don't want to repeat that again and when the Dragon scorched the Iron throne it was a metaphor( just like in the Lord of the Rings when the ring itself got thrown back into fire) that it ended and its new beginning for the 7 kingdoms.
I think you are missing something about the theme of this show. Bran is NOT ruling alone, that scene with Tyrion arranging the chairs and the people showed up that table are his new administration. That scene was there for a reason and it was pretty long. I knew from almost 4 or 5th season that who ever ends up King it wont be either Jon or Danny, those were what many or majority of FANS wished for, but they dismissed the very core of the story and theme of this show was that it was about shift of power. Those that were in power from Robert, Ned Stark, Lanisters, Frays, Boltons, etc, each represents the many aspects and features of power structure and Bran was someone who unlike anyone was not seeking power and nor did he wanted it but his ability to see the past and see what mistakes caused wars and also having Tyrion at this side along Davos and Sam, Brieane etc, it is what makes the entire infrastructure of what Bran's administration; to have the support of experience that he needed on his side. I personally always thought Tyrion will end up being King, that was my hope but Bran choosing him for hand is actually made me realize how their pairing is what makes to work, so what you are forgetting that its not just Bran, its a whole package that comes with Bran that fills in the gaps for older experience he may lack to get council from. All those people we saw around the round table with Tyrion went through hell on this show to know they don't want to repeat that again and when the Dragon scorched the Iron throne it was a metaphor( just like in the Lord of the Rings when the ring itself got thrown back into fire) that it ended and its new beginning for the 7 kingdoms.
If Only?...Lol
Listen Otter
I don't or couldn't care less if the entire world agree if the ending was a mess. I don't follow the herd like you, I have a brain to think and make up my own mind.
As far as IQ's go?
Trust me you are a far cry in my bandwidth intellectually or when it comes to even education, you are just an ignorant little Troll who was raised on TV and probably don't even read a book in a year. You are incapable of understanding what is the story's theme, what is it trying to convey, what is a metaphor, what characters symbolize, etc. Its because you are ignorant of that kind of English literature education, all you know or ever learned is watching TV shows and stories and never really knowing what they really mean. RR Martin spend a large part of his life writing these books and if you ever take the time to even read the first book, or maybe take the time to take a class in English Literature to understand's author's themes in any story fictional stories has more in depth analysis than just watching something on TV for you to have the audacity to judge it or use fan's reviews to judge something when you can't even understand what you have watched in 8 years, because its beyond your capacity to comprehend.
So please keep your smart ass Troll comments to yourself, someone else on this board called you " arrogant prick" and do you ever wonder why you have this tendency to piss people off?
I think you are missing something about the theme of this show. I knew from almost 4 or 5th season that who ever ends up King it wont be either Jon or Danny, those were what many or majority of FANS wished for, but they dismissed the very core of the story and theme of this show was that it was about shift of power. Those that were in power from Robert, Ned Stark, Lanisters, Frays, Boltons, etc, each represents the many aspects and features of power structure and Bran was someone who like unlike anyone was not seeking power and nor did he wanted it but his ability to see the past and see what mistakes caused wars and also having Tyrion at this side along Davos and Sam, Brieane etc, it is what makes the entire infrastructure of what Bran's administration; to have the support of experience that he needed on his side. I personally always thought Tyrion will end up being King, that was my hope but Bran choosing him for hand is actually made me realize how their pairing is what makes to work, so what you are forgetting that its not just Bran, its a whole package that comes with Bran that fills in the gaps for older and experience he may lack to get council from. All those people we saw around the round table with Tyrion went through hell on this show to know they don't want to repeat that again.