Thunder26's Replies

I thought it was good, but not as good as the first season in my opinion. Anyway I enjoyed the second season as well. It wasn't good at all. I wouldn't recommend it to be seen. I had the same feeling of Final Destination. And I agree the movie sucked, full of stereotypes and boring. CO2 has nothing to do with rising temperatures. That's false science you believe in. Try to read more about it. No, she doesn't. She needs to master acting first, then we could talk about being nominated! She's got a long journey to go. Nu pun intended. I wasn't that bored. It was a decent drama, but I agree it could've been better. I watched it until the end. It's not great but watchable. I found it a bit too difficult to understand all the details of doing the scheme. I felt a bit stupid watching this movie :) I have a question. Why is there a concern about Global Warming? From what I understand with global warming there will be more food. Higher temperatures means more crops. Crops that can be grown even further North. It would be a lottery ticket for those who live in the North! Unfortunately the current picture is different. Regions from the North still can't grow much. It's a fact that Global Warming is not happening. Their winters are actually worsening. Strating in October and finishing late April. What kind of Global Warming is it? What are the dangers of it. I still don't see it :) Yes, our influence is quite noticeable, such as air pollution and plastic pollution. I agree that these are urgent matters to tackle. But talking about that we (little humans) are in power of changing climate is ridiculous. We cannot change climate. There are forces way stronger than us that control it. And the major force is the thing you can see it everyday. It's the Sun. It controls the climate on Earth. Period. I disagree with you. For its genre this movie is quite good. It's disturbing, surreal and gets under your skin. I would actually recommend this movie for people who like eccentric stuff. I get it. This movie is not for everyone, but the movie itself is great. Women love this show, but me as a male, I get really bored! Mindhunter is way better series in my opinion! In my opinion it's worse than the Nun. I' don't compare it with another X-men movies as I can't remember how I felt the. But from watching this movie alone it wasn't that bad. It kept me interested until the end and the action scenes were quite good. This is the worst out of the series. It was really bad. Bad acting, bad writing and basically no plot, just drivel. It's an interesting idea, but the movie bored me to death :) I really tried hard to stay awake and finish watching it. The eyeball scene was extremely disturbing. Well done from producers :) I think you should watch it and decide by yourself. I watched it and I wouldn't say it was shit. It was better than many movies that they are showing regularly in the cinema. It's not a masterpiece, but it is watchable :) I agree! For this money, they've done an amazing job. Agreed. I watched it and it was bad, plain boring. I'm surprised it's scored that high (6.2) on IMDB. It deserves a 4 by Imdb standards. It's underrated for sure. I thought it was really good. May be it's not everyone.