RustyShckleford's Replies

17 years later and still no new episodes lol Wait until you get past episode 5 they got her MI7 flopped because it came out between too much competition and an out of control budget No MI7 is a box office dissapointment, but not on the same level of Indy Ok idiot It's good if you're looking for a so bad it's funny movie It really is. I guess if you did find the trailer funny you'd find the movie funny though. I don't know many who did even though there were some people laughing loud in my screening. Still think it will be a flop though. 99% sure it is. It fits the clues and also seems like the kind of movie they would do for a MMM. Well they cut out way too much. Almost every Saw film has had to be resubitted and was still gorier than Spiral I just hope the gore is better than Spiral, that one was so fucking tame by Saw standards. Oppenheimer was projected to do $40 million. That's literally double what it was projected Makes it the longest in the series. Barbie, Oppenheimer, and the Meg 2 all over performed. See you back in this thread when this is a major flop Just being realistic LOL this thing ain't getting close to $30 million. More like $15 million. Wrong. Tracking is indicating this is going to be a huge flop Yup. Never will understand how badly they fucked up what could've been a great action franchise.