XrenegadeZ's Replies

Good Correction. Now your point has been validated. Incest has existed for some time yet there is no evidence that children born from it are evil. Hello.... Also a refugee here. I hope we can find more people willing to discuss Roger Federer over here. This is the only platform for this, unfortunately. WOW, you just took it one step above. I didn't think anyone could top james-french-2 comment. Just wow. I do think that as a woman she doesn't appeal to me. She is so tiny and has no womanly curves. and then when it begins to gain attention and support, moviechat will do the same as IMDB and start paying more attention to Hollywood than its fanbase. I am a refugee also, and was one of the people that started using IMDB when it first launched. I agree with you about Emma. I haven't seen this movie yet but after watching the harry potter movies, its hard to trust her acting skills.