Smith365's Replies

Congress declares war It wasn't a race thing. I just didn't see how they were “best friends”. They had nothing in common. Small Town Crime Wasn't she doing important work? Therefore by kidnapping her, they endangered more lives. She might have had loved ones (husband-kids, etc) who were left hanging. She was away for months. Also at the end, they were armed at the drop off. What if they accidentally shot the guy with the vials? What if they never paid the ransom??? All these reasons is why I disliked that scene. The husband character hit a couple of times with that pipe on the kids head. You are not getting up fast with that. That kid should have been down. Plus the wife killed the one kid easily with a blow to the head. I really wanted to know...... if that gator got of the shower. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like why did the general just order an airplane to deliver the message... and Interesting movie. I just find it difficult to believe people are not more suspicious. “ hey where did our bud go? Or why the fiancé just leave his girl there by herself. Maybe, I don’t watched too much X-files and I don't trust anyone that acts like these people. I am like Raylan when he walks into a bar and sees a cop walking out Crowder. Raylan just has that feeling that something isnt just right here Yes...Who were those people? People killed by the wars or camps in the shows timeline? They couldn't get Joe Blake or Frank for one episode to appear at the end??? Why would those people from the other dimensions come here? And where did this BCR come from? It seemed like they were the only people interested in fighting the Pons. The whole scene with the American flag was there just as a political move by the shows writers. So in theory, the US in the other dimension could invade the German Reich. More people are dead in the shows timeline, than in our timeline. Speed Kills wasn't terrible Yes, dam morons! Explain how it is cool to like someone who was involved in the stabbing a clearly pregnant lady.. When Rick succeeds, so does Cliff being his stunt double... Couldn't agree more Though I enjoyed playing the game, there are many parts of the story far fetched. We could beleive the Nazis winnings but some things have me scrarching my head. All the Nazi tech is based is related to some special room on the bottom of the ocean. A small team can steal a u-boat and the german navy doesnt care. They can steal codes to nukes and they whole german military is not on high alert. They go there to fix that pot but we never hear about the pot ever again.. Anything find her outfits distracting? Like something out of the twighlight zone Yeah and why didn't they have police protection at the end and how the heck did Mackey carry that fat kid away.