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XO's Replies

Absolutely agreeing with this. Trailer looked like it's gonna be a fun show, but within the first 20 minutes it was all in your face SJW crap. Also, that weird blurry effect gave me headaches. Thus, sadly not returning to this show. As another user said, typical teen B-movie. Uneventful, I'd give it 5/10. fantastic, this describes the show very well :) Le Chalet (engl.: The Chalet) is a french mini-series (6 episodes) about a group of old friends/family reuniting but getting cut off in the village they are meeting, and getting killed off one after another. No boring episode at all, and the final revelation is nicely done. I saw it on netflix, it's pretty new. The forums here are still empty about it. Movies: Star Wars Last Jedi 6/10 Kingsman Golden Circle 5/10 A Quiet Place 3/10 Resolution 6/10 Goodnight Mummy 5/10 Raw 7/10 Ready Player One 6/10 TV Shows Walking Dead Season 8 1/10 Le Chalet 8/10 Aliens, when they seal the door shut but the fuckers come crawling through the ceiling TV: Kelly Bundy, Shannen Doherty, Winnie from Wonder Years Movie: Joey Wong from A Chinese Ghost Story, and probably random 80s boobage (can't recall specific names) And of course any music video with Alicia Silverstone :) Sat out a few rounds but here we go. Out of your movies, T1 and T2 are solid 8/10, Chinatown a 7. May I also suggest the TV series Sarah Connor Chronicles, really loved that one, 8.5/10 For me: That 70's Show: Binged all 8 seasons plus bloopers and specials, the whole shebang :) Great show! Season 8 a bit of a downer but with every episode only running at 20 minutes, no biggy to brush through 8.5/10 Pontypool: interesting take on the zombie genre 6/10 Paul Blart Mall Cop: watched it with my kid, forgot how bad it was 4/10 Gaga: Five Foot Two: new doc about lady gaga up to her superbowl performance 7/10 Meet the Hitlers: doc about people with the surname hitler 7/10 Auschwitz (2005): mini BBC series about the camp. focusing more on engineering and its actual history 8/10 Bad Teacher: re-watch after several years, still funny, 7/10 easy A: another re-watch, 7/10 Alien Convenant: GET OUT!!! 4/10 American Vandal: mockumentary about 27 spray-painted dicks :) 8/10 Slow week for me, no movies, only TV series. Had to do a lot around the house and garden. A bit of rain would be nice here too :) casting jonbenet (2017): very weird approach to a crime documentary. totally failed in my opinion. 1/10 pretty little liars season 1 - 3 (2010): so far so good. not sure how they gonna drag it out for 7 seasons, but it keeps u hooked enough to continue watching. basic story arc is fine with some filler episodes, but oh well. also, 2 of the gals are really pretty. 7/10 ...cant believe I have to split replies due to length...this might be a dealbraker to continue to use these boards. wth! beauty and the beast (2017): again, same flight. first half was nearly word-for-word like the animated one. then derailed with more backstory and songs, but so far so good. end was weird when they all came back alive, none of them matched their part/voices. deduct one point but add one for emma so 6/10 is the final verdict. trivisa (2017): watched this on the plane as well (was a 12 hr flight don't blame me :)). great HK movie with a fantastic ending 7/10. miss the good old days of HK cinema (tsui hark, john woo etc). orange is the new black season 5 (2017): kept bickering about poussey this poussey that, too drawn out for my taste. no other real storylines except the old ladies in the pool. piper/alex had nearly no screentime, the spanish group was boring, so where the blacks. only flaritza was redeeming and the nazi-whites were alright funny (nicky and lorna not so much, judy king, boring), so 5/10. hope next season will be better. designated survivor season 1 (2016): very interesting premise, and as i expected it turned into 24 meets west wing :) enough political drama with action, and luckily no boring family drama except a few scenes. and maggie Q is always nice to look at 7/10 iZombie (2015) season 1: funny, kept me engaged throughout, have season 2 lined up now 7/10 Miss March (2009): trailer had lots of boobs. was not disappointed. comedy was alright, solid 6/10 Making a Murderer (2015): quite biased, trying to convince us of the innocence of avery. seemed obvious that the inbred rednecks killed her though. still, felt sorry for Brendan 7/10 That's it :) Had to do some travelling these past weeks so here is a summary for 3 weeks in total :) From your list, I watched Leon, both regular and director's cut. I remember even having the laser discs (yes I am that old :)). Huge fan, definetly a rare 9/10 in my books! Les Revenants (The Returned) French Version 2012 Season 1+2: very intriguing, set-up is like Lost. Strange place, strange happenings, each episode introducing one character while the overall arc continues, flashbacks, Others etc. Hope there will be a season 3 even though it can stand on its own as-is and be considered finished. Otherwise it might turn too messy and unsatisfactory like Lost did. Might check out the US remake in the meantime (blargh), but didn't read lots of good things about it. French version so far (2 seasons) 7.5/10 The unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2017) Season 3: love the humor, sometimes reminds me of old 70s, 80s zucker abrahams zucker movies where stuff happens in the backgrounds, such as silly signs, people doing weird things etc. hard to catch coz it might happen in a split second. other than that, good writing, and short episodes are easy to digst anyways 8/10 The Keepers (2017) Season 1: extremely intriguing and unsettling, shows the power of the church misconducting as so often reported 9/10 Mindhorn (2016): rather silly, i sat through it for the sake of it 5/10 Ants in the Pants (2000): no clue why i watched this, was suggested by netflix so i took t he bait. german teen movie 5/10 john wick chapter 2 (2017): fantastic action scenes. saw this on a long haul flight on a small screen, can't wait to rewatch in the home theatre. rating so far 8/10 for action alone get out (2017): also saw this on the same flight. interesting take on the racism angle with a forever-young twist 7/10 I came to the same count - definitely an error on the writers part. Ah it's that time of the week again :) From your list, I only watched Fanboys. I remember it was pretty awesome. I am a huge John Woo fan myself, but only of his HK movies (Bullet in the Head, The Killer, Hardboiled etc, all easily 8-9/10 for me). Haters Back Off! (TV Series 2016) - the most annoying and most hated characters I ever saw in a TV series (Miranda and Jim). It was never mentioned if she is retarded, dumb, or simply "behind", so I have to assume she is just generally a self-centred asshole. Only redeeming episode was the final when she was all alone at the end. I understand it's based off a youtube phenomena, and maybe it should have stayed there. 1/10 Summer Camp (2016) - interesting take on drugs/zombie genre. Short and entertaining 6/10 Galaxy Quest (1999) - can't believe I never came around to watch this until now. Very nice spoof with a gorgeous Weaver 7.5/10 Final Girl (2015) - lacks so much, execution is terrible, mis-cast main lead 3/10 The Late Bloomer (2016) - funny, several laughs throughout (esp between the guys). Half bonus point for boobs 6.5/10 Apart from the above, some documentaries but too many to list here :) Last week I caught up on some netflix comedies that I had lined up: Sandy Wexler: typical Adam Sandler flick, 6/10 Step Brothers: typical Ferrell flick, 6/10 Hot Pursuit: meh 5/10 Richard Pryor Live in Concert: fantastic, non-PC BS 8/10 Also watched some stuff that was still lingering on hard-disk: POD: oh my god the annoying shouting all the time! 3/10 Shut In: 5/10 And finally binged some series with only one season to "check them out": GirlBoss: funny, plus the main lead is hot 7/10 Santa Clarita Diet: easy entertainment, 7/10 Stranger Things: great 80s vibe all around 8/10 Apart from that tons of documentaries from MVGroup, but since this thread is for movies only, I let those slide :) Adoption Agency I think so she legally gets Tom. Exactly my thought as well. Too many to count. I usually grab what interests me on and that sets me for life :) Step 1: Wake up a girl, do the deed, kill her off once getting bored, throw her into space. Step 2: Repeat until no female left. Should keep you busy for a couple years. Step 3: Suicide by self-destructing ship. Yes, that is sinister, but remember even comedies like Groundhog Day implicated that Murray was actually in the time loop for several hundred years, and knowing nothing will ever happen to him, he had his ways throughout town.... Thinking about it, this could be remade into so much more :) A Chinese Ghost Story Alien Indiana Jones Resident Evil (incl. the animated ones) Star Wars Die Hard Naked Gun Nightmare on Elm Street Me and my son (13) went overboard last week. I introduced him to many great 80s/early 90s classics such as Naked Gun trilogy, Top Secret, UHF, Airplane, Coming to America, Golden Child, Hot Shots Duology, Police Academy 1 - 7, Goonies etc. Seeing that most of them are barely 80 minutes long it was easy to rush through them. Love that old-style silly humor and all that non-PC nonsense :) Tip: Check out Andy's panties in Goonies, my oh my. Never realized that as a kid myself ;)