MovieChat Forums > HRose313

HRose313 (4)



yeah whenever Emily or Aaron is on the screen I just sit impatiently waiting for Hannah to come on! Maybe because the son could give a description of the woman, or possibly ID her? The kid was sloppy as heck. It was hit fault the drug dealer job didn't go down right. When Bronson's in the other room, the kid was looking at his photo and making notes lol Ending would've been much more effective if we and Bronson didn't know that the kid was going to burn him. Message behind his death would've had more meaning to; "your weakness is you needed someone". The agency warned him that working with the kid was bad news, yet he needed to connect with someone. Kid burning him without him ever knowing would've not only brought meaning to this idea, but been a nice twist for viewers. Ending with the kid getting killed then would've been a good double twist, and would show that he did have a slight suspicion after all. With him seeing the picture we and Bronson know the kid is going to try and burn him. He notes intention for going after the kid, and yet gets poisoned by a drink? His weakness then wasn't that he "needed"someone, it was stupidity. View all replies >