cassiopeia's Replies

I am trying to get the word out. This is an easier format to have back and forth discussions than Ptv. Afternoon panel Gold panel Jensen singing Whipping Post and Tennessee Whiskey Jensen sang last night I will post a video as soon as I find it As soon as Gold panel and afternoon panel videos come up I will post them here. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I'm hoping that Mary gets resolved this season never to be mentioned again (for a character that was beloved Dabb has turned her into one I despise). The BMOL's has been strung out too long with no payoff. They've done horrible, unforgivable things and so far no one knows about it but us. That story needs to end this season as well. And as much as I love Mark Pellegrino Lucifer needs to be tossed into the empty (along with Babifer) never to be mentioned again. For all the promises from Dabb that he wasn't going to retread old storylines all we have gotten so far is a retread of old storylines. The only storyline Dabb doesn't seem to want to retread is anything that directly involves Sam and Dean. We have had ONE episode since DCMS that had any meaningful conversation or recognizable connection between the brothers. I agree about all the magical lweapons (and with the BMOL's we are going to get more I'm afraid). I want to see our brothers in real peril. No more Get Out of Jail Free cards. How I miss Carver and Thompson right now. Even though the moment between Ruth and Mark S at the end of the episode was well acted it wasn't worth the journey to get there. Rowena exacted revenge on Crowley for a something she didn't have to do? Seemed kind of extreme. I'm glad that Gavin is no longer a dangling thread but I really wasn't that curious about where he was and what he was up to anyway. Well I don't even know what to say. It was a mess? Sooo....2? Only because Sam and Dean looked pretty? Well I guess I was way too optomistic. 1.63 not very good but not horrible. But all the CW shows were down this week. Me too. Tonights episode just wiped out any good feelings I might have been having. Did Jared and Jensen even need to be there? I think we get a little bump from last week 1.81 I was trying to make the video clickable By far the best episode of the season. It was actually about the brothers. There were conversations. Meaningful conversations. Brothers. I am liking the season better since that last 3 episodes. The new writers are stepping up. Still not on board with where they are taking Mary. And I would love to see more brothers but I do feel better. Bella just emailed me and I told another IMDB fan. Hopefully the word will spread. So happy to find the site. Well this is nice. A little different but....Yay! I have a feeling that there is going to be a rift developing between the brothers about Mary starting with this episode.