MovieChat Forums > chrisjdel > Replies
chrisjdel's Replies
What are the Democratics?
English isn't your first language, is it? Болтуна язык до добра не доведёт.
[i]If the root is strong, the tree will survive.[/i]
You're drooling again, man! Gotta remember to take your meds. Otherwise you start running through the streets naked, screaming about Donald Trump, then we have to come down to the station and bail you out. 🙃
[i]Daniel-san, you look revenge that way, start by digging two graves.[/i]
It took long hours and dedication. And I must say, it's an honor just to be nominated. I'd like to thank my parents, my brother and sister, my manager, the great directors I've been privileged to work with, my terrific castmates, everyone currently alive on Earth and all their ancestors back to the dawn of time. Thank you all! 🏆
[i]To make honey, young bee need young flower, not old prune.[/i]
Yes, resort! I could use a vacation. Sounds good. Someplace tropical I think.
[i]Don’t forget to breathe, very important.[/i]
Initial response? You mean when he grunted, looked up for a moment, then went back to watching Fox? I did absolutely nothing to hinder that.
[i]Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later ... get squish just like grape![/i]
Yeah it was me. Totally. Because I was in charge of the national response. 🤣
[i]Man who catch fly with chopstick, accomplish anything.[/i]
[i]A man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.[/i] 😤
[i]Wax on, wax off ...[/i]
Trump was too pathetic to take responsibility like a real man. Dumped everything onto the states, which is not what the federal government is supposed to do when there's a national emergency. He was an incompetent asshole who couldn't get testing and contact tracing to the levels needed, couldn't get enough PPE out for doctors and nurses, lied about the disease and was more concerned with his precious Dow Jones than public health, encouraged his idiot followers to flout health guidance like they were patriots fighting for freedom.
The only thing his administration (because it wasn't really his idea) got right was the financial incentives to companies to develop vaccines. That's it. His whole strategy was to wait for vaccines and in the meantime do absolutely nothing. In fact, sabotage any governor who [i][b]did[/b][/i] try doing something, after he saddled them with all the responsibility and zero assistance. Only morons like Ron DeSuckup in Florida who did everything Trump's way were worthy of praise in bizarro world. Literally anyone with half a brain could've done a better job. Hundreds of thousands have died, and will die, when most of them didn't have to, thanks to that piece of human excrement.
Oh yeah, the economy was fucking amazing ... for the super rich. Wages still stagnant for everyone else. Harder and harder for regular people to get by, while we cut taxes for the 1%. Folks need to get the mental image of the 1970's Republican Party out of their heads. They've been [i][b]terrible[/b][/i] stewards of the economy since then.
Every Republican President has left their successor a recession and usually some other kind of mess along with it. The biggest increases in the national debt have occurred under Republican, not Democratic, administrations. Bill Clinton actually managed a budget SURPLUS, the only occasion during my lifetime when this has happened, and he did it without cutting into social safety nets or other government programs. Then George Dubya took over and did what his party does - tax cuts and business deregulation, the only ideas they've had over the last four decades. We know how THAT turned out. Under Trump they've been spending money like drunken sailors! With more of those tax cuts for rich people and deregulation. All of a sudden they've discovered the deficit again, and want to fight against "out of control spending" now that Biden's come to town, after not giving a shit since he left four years ago. Please!
Why do you feel bad for Ivanka? She's as entitled and crooked as her old man. And Melania - wait for that divorce filing, wait for it, wait for it ... on the other hand I wonder what kind of prenup the Orange Ogre made her sign? They haven't even shared the same bed during his Presidency, so she sure as hell isn't with him for love! 😎
Trump lied nonstop. He could barely put a sentence together without including at least one lie. And if he contradicted his lie on a subject with a different lie in the same rambling press conference, he'd pretend he never said the other thing, and when a reporter offered to play back the video he would insult them and the outlet they worked for, then abruptly move on. Ducking the fact that he'd just been busted not keeping his BS straight.
This "no truth exists, only bias" crap is right wing smoke blowing. There is no reality that doesn't change moment to moment. There are no rules that don't constantly shift. We're on a neverending acid trip folks! Who knows what's real?
Yes, there's an objective truth. There's a right and a wrong answer. Everything is not perspective. Donald Trump and his toadies lied pathologically. Not even smart lies - verifiable, provable ones.
So you recognize Trump's brown shirts for who and what they are, then? Good. It never ends well when you have a movement that believes in nothing except One Man.
And you dodged. That's alright though, it was kind of a rhetorical question. I have yet to encounter a single Trumpie who knows exactly what they stand [i][b]for.[/b][/i] They'll rage on about everything they hate, but don't ask them to articulate a vision for the country or talk policy. Might as well be quantum field theory as far as they're concerned. Too damn complicated! They'd rather scream and shout than stop and think. If you don't agree with them, you're the enemy and they're perfectly happy to beat you down.
That tactic seems to have been added to the right wing shill playbook. They say they're independent, then proceed to ruin it by being so far to the right it makes Tucker Carlson sound progressive.
I definitely won't miss Press Corps Barbie. Latest in the chain of lying sycophants who would tell us the sky is orange, and there are 37 hours in a day, if Donald Trump said so. With fortune on her side maybe she'll end up being hired by Faux News, or OANN, and she can continue her career of spinning bullshit on TV. Otherwise she's going to find it awfully hard to land a job after this. As will most officials from the Trump administration. Although if all else fails, she'll probably do better on Dancing With the Stars than Sean Spicer. 😳
Jesus, how many right wing shills are there on this fucking site? You people have nothing to say. Nothing but bash bash bash, rage rage rage, I never hear a positive agenda - what you actually stand FOR - only what you're AGAINST. Can't define yourself entirely that way. So instead of more whining and grievances let's hear what you think the President, the Congress, and the country should do, where it should go, what policies you're in favor of instead of just what you're against. That would be a refreshing change of pace!
Your username says it all. Is that you, Mr. Trump? They should've banned your ass here too!
Well that's what they are. We don't really [i][b]have[/b][/i] a far left in this country, people like Bernie Sanders and AOC would be considered center left anywhere else in the industrial world. But we do have a far right. White nationalists, militia assholes, Christian Dominionists, and conspiracy loonies, like the ones who stormed the Capitol.
Righties have no vision for anything. No ideas for the future. It's just screaming, yelling, and raging. They're AGAINST a whole lot but stand for nothing - except some vague notion of 'Murica. Wave the flag, hoot and holler, rah rah rah. And bow down to your Führer, The Lord God Trump! Very inspirational. George Orwell would be thrilled.
Honestly, I never hear anything like a real plan to uplift the nation. It's all anger and grievance, and simple minded ways to act on those grievances. Can you articulate an actual coherent set of ideas instead of just bashing the other side? If so, it would be the first time I've heard one.