MovieChat Forums > Keith4832 > Replies
Keith4832's Replies
Don't anger Lucas... : - [url][/url]
It's hard to say. If they assiduously tick every box on the list of "appeal factors" they could keep making them for a long time. If enough individual fans wake up to the "conveyor belt production" of films and resist the marketing then maybe we will see a slow down in the pace and energy behind the production of new SW films.
After the third film of the original trilogy a decision was made not to produce another film in the series. The story was deemed complete and I think George Lucas wanted to go on to other things. There was no impetus to produce prequels or sequels at that time it seems. Also, I think the audience in general had had enough of Star Wars but of course hardcore fans continued to be avidly interested. Will the pattern repeat itself today where after the third installment of the sequels the public signal a waining interest and the additional trilogies in the works will receive lesser interest and reduced box office takings? Unless the general public are invested in Rey, etc. and the studio's vision for more character arcs I don't see a sustained effort at putting out more material. If that's the case then I'm pretty sure that by 2023 we'll probably will see the end of the current Star Wars generation of films.
Yeah, the character of the First Doctor (as portrayed by Hartnell at least) is supposed to be forbidding, sceptical and a bit stuffy - he doesn't come across as being a sexist. If he was why on earth did he take Susan with him - someone both young and female if he thought women were fragile and somewhat beneath him?
I hate the lecturing monologue device too. Yeah, it's a bit hard to take how vulnerable the TARDIS appears to be these days, as if wasn't a superadvanced multidimensional vehicle but more like an airplane or a balloon. There were good moments in Capaldi's last hurrah but the story was pretty mundane I agree. I thought Whittaker's introduction was very good.
Taking into account the preceptions of the audience as you represent them it would be likely that Moffat is trying to score some points against criticisms of his politics, and deciding to underline what he believes in and what he thinks the audience should accept as the series is passed on to a female actor and the surrounding PR vehicle which encases her. We're supposed to as an audience interpret Whittaker's upcoming series through the lens of progressive values - this is what Moffat desires.
I guess the looming conclusion from all of this is that the studio can't think of or implement new ideas for the new movies, at least without risking the possibility they will fail at the box office because people reject non-homage new scripts. This is may be founded on the assumption that fans don't want stories that may depart from the image of the original trilogy. They don't know how to create new films that at the same time maintains the ethic and spirit of Star Wars.
I wonder how dependant Lucas was on deriving a "winning formula" to produce the prequel films if as you say he was using A New Hope as a skeleton framework to build on? Are there other signs of duplication/emulation or has he dropped hints/commentary to that effect?
Luckily the Tardis can shrink down to a very small size and so could be inserted on her person somewhere. ;)
But I'm sure a pocket would do for storing it. ;) :D
Yeah, indeed.
Berlin? Berlin? Forsooth, Nigel, why the heavens are we over Berlin?! ;)
That seems right. Thanks for the info.
I couldn't decipher exactly what she said. But anyway, doesn't "Brillo Pad" mean "brill"?
She was like "Oh cool. Hey, buttons! What does this one do? Oh, no!" :)
Initially, she might be a lot like a female version of Troughton's Doctor, I think. Dotty, fun woman wandering around in a crumpled black coat. So indirectly a call out to a male form of the Doctor.
Never press the "Deactivate Geostabiliser" button - it's moulded in red. ;)
The TARDIS could be destroyed but maybe it will appear somewhere on the surface of the planet that the Doctor lands, unassisted. ;)
What could be cool is the Doctor building anew a TARDIS and all the setbacks that could be associated with it.
This is what George Lucas has said when asked about the meaning and purpose of Star Wars: [url][/url]
Writing a story takes time - I think that's all Rian is saying at this point.
It would be disappointing if he ended up freewheeling with the Star Wars concept and came up with something that had lost the character of Star Wars. But then again, what is the character of Star Wars? Everyone seems to disagree.
Interesting analysis and I think it takes good account of the elements involved.
I'm not sure if destroying the Light and Dark of the Force and ushering in an "Age of Man" will ultimately work. As I understand it "the Force" in the narrative is the life energy that binds matter or nature together and the universe could not exist without it. Every living thing requires the Force to exist, the Force is beyond the power of the beings it creates and if it were actually possible to destroy it the cosmos would cease to exist, thus the Force itself cannot be destroyed. The motives of good and bad intent are in part a result of the Ego choices of beings that exist in the universe as well as an "astral" influence of dark energy, so the Force seeks balance between Light and Dark.
Kylo Ren struggles with his "Ego" and the "SuperEgo" and "Id" components of it (- these are useful ideas, I'm not necessarily subscribing to the opinions of Freud or his particular interests using those terms). Here we can understand that the Id is the destructive Darkness in the Force which hates strictures, the SuperEgo the rule-oriented rationality that aligns with the Light and the Ego being the mediating normal consciousness of the individual (or institution that has a purpose). The First Order tries to impose rational order whilst motivated by unbounded Id in the form of hate, intolerance and ambition, whilst the Resistance favours loose structures and a degree of allowance/tolerance for independent personalities to direct their activity, whilst motivated by a desire for lawful democracy and peaceful order or SuperEgo. Rey symbolises the striving for moral truth and freedom ungirding the mission of the Resistance.
Since the Id and SuperEgo are constantly competing against one another, the Force likewise must seek to balance the contention or struggle between Light and Darkness. The conscious Ego must find balance by way of the Force which a sensitive can directly experience.
Well, explosions guaranteed I suppose... :)
Will they bring snacks for the Kessel Run? ;)
Duck Tales + Hans Solo + Kessel Run = Entertainment? ;) :)
My theory: Kenobi represents the repressive psychic "Super-Ego" concept - the moral authority that demand obedience and regulation, and Anakin represents the impulsive psychic "Id" desirous of unlimited power and possession of things. Kenobi can never accept the wild Id and can do nothing about it unless the "Ego" self can intervene to bring the Id back to order - as we know Anakin seemed well down the path of destruction and beyond the reason of the Ego self.
When Kenobi said that Vader killed Anakin, although the same person they are different personalities and represent different psychic states - the discipline of Super-Ego and the impulsiveness of Id. Anakin killed the "Father" within himself just as he rejected the "Father" in the form of Kenobi, which then allowed the Id to flourish in the form of Vader.
This was a failure to understand the impulsive nature of Anakin. Failure of Anakin to properly discipline, and failure of Anakin to self-discipline. It was dangerous to introduce Anakin to the Force but that is the legacy of the choices made.
Interestingly, we're seeing a replay of this with Kylo and his parental issues. He feels compelled to kill "the Father" or Super-Ego in the literal human authority figures like Han/Luke and even Snoke, but he will forever wrestle with the abstract Super-Ego (and his parental memories and socialisation) that he is trying to escape in his quest for power and respect from others. Luke said he will never leave him - this terrifies Kylo and frustrates his goals.
Kenobi ran away from things for a while but after the plea from Leia he hoped that Luke might help him and restore balance to the force by defeating Vader. Kenobi never left Luke.