Costumer's Replies

No. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Officially, the Atreides house was gone; destroyed by the Harkonnen. War between houses were allowed, though hedged in with a lot of rules and regulations; which were sidestepped by the Emperor lending Sardakar troops, which the Landsraad was unaware of. Once he officially reappeared and claimed his title, he could be recognized as the new Duke of the Atreides, though there would be legal wrangling about that. Technically, Paul was the son of the Duke of Arrakis, and he was the grandson of the Baron of the Harkonnens. Both lines were equally direct. However, Rabban and Feyd were legitimate, though nephews, not sons. Jessica was Harknnen's daughter by way of Reverend Mother Helena Mohiam. As such she would not be legitimate, so neither would Paul (though he was the legitimate heir of Arrakis since Jessica was an official concubine and Leto recognized him as his heir.). Both Rabban and Feyd would inherit first since they were recognized, legitimate heirs. Since they were both dead, the inheritance would fall to Paul, even though he wasn't legitimate in the line of Harkonnen. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Well, a couple of things. . The government depends on a balance between the Emperor and the Landsraad (the noble Houses.), and ultimately to the Spacing Guild. Luring the Emperor, and his entourage to Arrakis is to force marriage to Irulan, which gave him the path to the Throne. The Emperor wanted the Atreides eliminated because too many Houses in the Landsraad were lining up behind Duke Leto. That was a challenge to his power and they had to be eliminated. The spice production was in danger because the Fremen were sabotaging facilities all over the northern hemisphere. Spice production was down and the Guild was putting pressure on the Emperor to restore it. Yes, this is a culture which uses dueling as part of its structure. Part of Paul's motivation in fighting Feyd Ruatha was, of course, because he hated the Harkonnens. It also finalized the destruction of the Harkonnen's as a House; with the Baren, Rabban, and Feyd Ruatha dead, there wasn't anyone else, other than Paul, to rule the House. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Since that is precisely what ornithopters are supposed to look like, changing them would be egregious. These were some of the best ornithopter designs I've ever seen. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Yes, they compressed the time line. But even under the original, Paul is less than 20 years old at eh end of the novel, Dune. Alia is around 3 or 4 or so at the Dune. Paul is 14 at the beginning. At most, Paul would be 19, more likely 18 at the climax of the novel. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Light years is a unit of distance, not time. You don't say how long is 12 miles. That's how long they were asleep. (well, except in a very metaphoric way.) They supposedly traveled to a system 30 light years from earth (like New York is roughly 3000 miles from LA). How long it took to travel that 30 light years would vary depending on how fast the ship was going. Minimally, 30 years if they were traveling at the speed of light; which is unlikely in the extreme. With current technologies, thousands of years. Now, since the ship somehow returned to earth, additional complications would have to be taken into account. For the sake of the story, any time frame the author, or screenwriters, would require could be justified. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. I haven't seen it yet. (tomorrow night) But your basic point is right. Love it or hate it; nothing in between. One of the stations I listen to has a critic who isn't afraid to rate something in the middle. His rating for this movie, for instance, was three proton packs out of five. (Yeah, he likes to be cute.) I can't agree or disagree yet, of course. But at least he gives a balanced review based on his own criteria. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. I hate to say it but millsey is right. Blatant contradictions should be avoided in good fiction. That excuse leads to bad fiction. Now, I'm of the mind that this is a "parallel" universe. Apes assumed ascendancy but humans didn't descend into non-sapience. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. In my memory it was a pane of glass, but the effect was the same either way. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. In other words, the character grows; which is a good thing in a dramatic series. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Jeffrey Combs; One of the best character actors in Star Trek; Suldak Penk Tiron Kevin Mulkaney Krem Brunt Weyoun Shran Agimus Everyone distinct and memorable. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Note: Never waste time talking to Mr Movie. He has no ears and nothing between. See, I can do ad hominem posts as well. And they have as much validity as yours. This discussion is over. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Ad hominum arguments are so persuasive: not. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. This is certainly a non sequitur answer. You are under no obligation to agree with me, nor I with you. De gustibus non disputandem est. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. I don't believe I said he had to be slim. But that is certainly how I have always pictured him, and I first read Dune more than 40 years ago. In any case, he is not a full grown man. Of the three actors who have portrayed Paul, Chalomet certainly looks closest to the correct age. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Actually, I thought he did a good job. I could feel his reluctance to become a religious leader while still wanting revenge on the Harkonnens. Keep in mind, in the book Paul is 15 years old when the Harkonnen's attack the Atreides. He's only a few year's older when the denouement occurs and he kills Feyd Ruatha. He should be slim and small in stature: he is not a grown man. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Guess you were wrong. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. Would you use a semi trailer or a tank to run to the next town or to transport a half dozen people around? Like everywhere else, they have different devices for different uses. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. I agree. I loved it. It is absurd, cartoonish, and over-the-top in action and acting; and I don't care. It wasn't taking itself seriously at any point. It was a spoof of the genre and succeeded as such. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025. I've always read Herman and Lily Munster were the first married couple to share a bed on TV. Both series came out in 1964, so it could easily be either. Since they would have been in production before any of us saw them, I'd say go with a tie. Both series pioneered featuring married couple in the same bed. Author of the Sodality Universe: The Road fro Antioch In the Markets of Tyre Flight to Lystra The Theater of Ephesus The Council on Jerusalem (coming real soon now. In final edits.) The Shattered World Series begins in 2025.