False comparisons

The FBI agents thirst to try and cast the BPP as nothing more than the Black version of the clan showed just how warped the Feds were(and still are to this day.. The Klan was engaged in racial terrorism and murder. The Black Panthers were a self defense group. Even if Hampton spoke about not shying away from killing cops. Well when the police have declared war on an entire segment of society for nothing more than their skin tone, the group has every right to defend itself.


"The Black Panthers were a self defense group"

Alright, I agree the FBI is nothing more than a bunch of jackbooted thugs that gleefully trample civil liberties, but the Black Panthers were a self-defense group? Really? I would say their goals were more political and ...offensive, rather than defensive. the BPP were the ones starting shit. They weren't responding to specific incidents of "oppression" that happened to the black community.


The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was started in 1966 as a self defense organization against police brutality and other forms of white violence against Black people. Sure they were political, but there is nothing wrong with that.. A major part of defense is to use politics to get laws passed which protects your civil liberties.. The fact remains that they were nothing like the Klan which believed in Black annihilation..


They were also a socialist group promoting free meals, education, and health care for the people which was a black eye for the FBI.


They are the precursor to BLM and just like BLM, the power players behind it aren't black and don't give a shit about black people. They want more power, and BPP and BLM are just tools they use to acquire it.


I dont think Fred Hampton, or Malcolm X ever acquired power.
Though I dont completely disagree with your point of view.

Regardless of the corruption and Predator leaders behind it and I stand for it's intentions of helping the people in need.
