MovieChat Forums > The Tomorrow War (2021) Discussion > 7 reasons this movie was written by a dr...

7 reasons this movie was written by a drunken brain damaged 6 year old.

1. Only people who are not born yet are allowed to travel to the past to avoid paradoxes. After the bridge to the future is destroyed, they remain in the past, which means they will still be around when they are born.
2. Why even bother trying to explain why they can only build just one portal to the past. "we didn't have time". or something. Riiiiiight.
3. So you can travel to the past, and your idea is to collect people from the past to bring them to the future to fight an unwinnable war. Not to send people from the future to the past to defeat the aliens before they bred and took over the entire planet? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
4. How does time travel work anyway? If Chris Pratt travells to the future 7 years before he died, shouldn't his daughters memories of what happened to him change? None of this makes any sense. Parrellel timelines? But then why do paradoxes matter? I guess if you don't even bother trying to explain anything and make sense, then it doesn't matter right? OK.
5. Which part of the plan required his daughter sending him to the future again? She said that there was a reason she sent him to the future. But anyone else caught have brought the toxin to the past. Makes no sense. But what does in this movie?
6. They decide to take on the aliens with a small group of sodliers, because goverments or something. OK. I guess I will just accept this ridiculous childllike writing and try to enjoy the film OK? nope.
7. The whole plot was built around the toxin, which didn't actually play any role in them defeating the aliens in the final act. In fact, if they had just blown up the ship instead of injected half a dozen aliens with toxin and waking up all of the others, everything would have been done and dusted. Instead, they wake them up, let one escape, blow up the ship, then have a silly fight with the one that escaped. Every other stupid plot-hole into the movie I can kind of understand people who are not very smart accepting, because time travel is confusing and all that. But this was just duummmmmmb. Someone got paid a lot of money to write this script. And this is what they came up with? Utterly ridiculous.


Time travel is stupid, idiotic, retarded, and impossible.



There are some pretty fun movies based on it. So, who cares.

This movie, AWESOME.


Time travel into the future is possible. Thanks relativity. Dont need to prove you as Einstein already did.


Ill dismiss those nitpicking time travel mechanics because thats applicable to any time travel movie and time travel movie can only work if you ignore the mechanics or watch Primer.

3. Utter stupidity from the future people. Should have all migrated to the past and worked from there.

5. This one kind of happened as he ended up going to Russia and blowing up the alien spaceship. Others may not have.

6. Dumb governments, yeah, but then again governments do stupid things all the time.

7. Blowing up is inconclusive. We dont know how much of the ship actually got blown up. They will come out of the remains for the sequel. The toxin was made because they didnt knew the ship existed. They never found it before.


Look, if at the end of Endgame, Doctor Strange found out he could cast a spell to bring everyone back and the infinity guantlet was totally uneccessary, would you argue that that was good writing on the basis that it would be entirely logical for him to cast a spell instead? I don't think you would. So why are you making this absurd argument for the toxin being totally unecessary in this movie? It was ridiculous writing.


Building on 7, when they went to the spaceship, they knew the female was the most important, why not inject her first?

Or if the science team in the future was so important, why not send them back to the past to work instead of leaving them in Miami?

Been covered, but in the beginning, when falling from hundreds of feet, even if you hit water (shallow water at that), it is still like hitting concrete. If that wasn't the case, people wouldn't commit suicide by jumping from high bridges.

It wasn't a bad movie, but it was hard to ignore some of those gaping holes in the story.


I actually assumed that they were injecting the females on the ship with the toxin when I was watching the film. I was absolutely dumbfounded when I realised they had just injected some random drones and woken up the entire ship with thousands of aliens on it. Laughably dumb.


Here's a few more:

- the future guys arrive buy simply walking through a portal to the past. All other times time travel is shown it involves dropping people at random angles on to concrete.

- future tech allows people to be literally teleported out of the battlefield at any time, yet nobody thinks this is a good way to save lives

- the soldiers can somehow fit an enormous cage through a tiny hole in the cave ceiling, but don't think to put it up against the tunnel entrance to capture the white spike inside.


All salient points (see my post above). They did come up with (as did I and, I'm sure, you) a rationale for the low-tech creatures who we wondered "How did they fly from outer space, but relied on hand-to-claw combat to kill us?" But your point about just blowing up the ship with their apparently unlimited supply of explosives rather than "vaccinating" them individually, was another sore point for me. And why did they ALL wake up from their slumbers at the same time when toxin-ated? I'm sure the "smart" aliens wouldn't have wanted them to come to life and wreak havoc on the ship, and them. In sum, a waste of "time".


I just watched movie. It certainly was terrible. I made my own post of a bunch of ridiculousness. I didnt write it all out. Too timed consuming. Alot of what you pointed out bothered me to.
