Laughably bad
This movie is just laughably bad. The acting was just so bad. Chris Pratt is not a serious actor and doesn't do well in this role at all. His lame jokes at inopportune times despite what the scene mood should be was laughable.
The whole premise was also idiotic. The plot reminds me of a mishmash between "Timeline" and "The Great Wall" by Matt Damon with the whole queen and magnetism and all that and queen needing to be offed for it to be over etc. There were also vibes of Alien/Predator as well as few other B-movie scifi.
They clearly wanted to be like Edge of Tomorrow but didn't succeed at all. And the whole drama with the dad and daughter was just so over the top overdone nonsense. We get it - you want to say that every family in America is inexplicably dysfunctional and everyone has issues with their father or son or whatever. It is not reality but it is shown to be a general trend.
Overall, it was just so over the top ridiculous with bad acting that I watched it just to see what happens. The final act was just so idiotic - after the govts spend all that time and money and believe the future people, work with them and send current population to the future to their deaths, they immediately stop believing a guy they sent to the future, who also happens to be the father of their top Colonel lady in the future, who also returns with a toxin that can kill and others can vouch for him. And when he discovers that the ship might be in Russia, no one considers him seriously then. Like, 3 letters - W. T. F. Seriously? You don't even have a satellite to check it out? Don't do any research? Chris Pratt also easily makes it on a 20 hr journey to Siberia with the country in a lockdown with equipment, snowmobiles etc. and the toxin somehow replicated a lot more. Where did this toxin come from if they didn't believe him?
This whole movie is just so stupid with cliche dialogs/situation and acting that I think I'm glad it is over.
Final rating: 3.5/10