
So.... he was a fraud all along?


Did I miss him claiming he could cook? I get that it's douchey to be so obsessed with how food is prepared and not be able to cook a little of your own, but I guess I thought it was well established that he sucks long before that. It didn't seem like some big shameful reveal. I think you can appreciate good food without being able to make it yourself.


I agree that you can appreciate good food without being able to make it yourself. This guy bragged about owning a Pacojet though, a highly specialized piece of kitchen equipment that costs $8,000. It's something that you would only ever have in a commercial kitchen and almost certainly only in a fine dining establishment. It's like bragging about owning an Aston Martin, but not even knowing how to drive.


Yeah. It's not as though he was just a foodie that didn't know how to cook.

It's that he was an absurdly pretentious foodie that didn't even know that he didn't know how to cook.


He never claimed to be a cook. Plus, he was petrified of letting chef down.


thanks for the comments, yes, i dont recall if he said he was a cook!
