MovieChat Forums > Kampen om Narvik (2023) Discussion > A nation must be able to defend itself

A nation must be able to defend itself

Norway declared neutrality when WWII started, but Hitler had no intention of honoring Norway's neutrality. Neutrality was effectually the same as surrender. Was Norway too weak to fight Germany, or were the Norwegians sympathetic with the Nazis. Sympathetic or not, the Germans were going to bully Norway. Even now there are many nations in Scandinavia and the Baltics that were incapable of standing up to Russia if the Russians were to threaten them with war. What is it about these nations that are historically defenseless?


Sometimes the only way to win is not to play. Neutrality could be based on a desire to continue business with both sides (Norway was continuing to ship iron ore to Britain and to Germany), or a realistic assessment of the differences in military strength (Germany had a much larger and better equipped army). But if the bully is going to attack anyway, you may as well fight.


I wouldn't really say defenseless when they have big brother USA to look after them and are in NATO now. Before, I guess it's the now silence = violence or as you say, neutrality = surrender. It they weren't sympathetic then they just didn't want to get involved in bullies picking on weaker nations knowing you're the same one as well. Apes strong together as Ceasar once said. Also, they spend most of their money on social services and universal healthcare which is why it's one of the best and happiest place to live. They're like the hippy nations of peace and love but can't do shit when bullies are around.


I guess it depends on your neighbours

western Europe is pretty civilised these days .
I dont think Spain has to maintain an army just in case France decides to invade.


Which is exactly the attitude France wants them to have.



I'm not an expert, but even today, Norway has like 7% the population of German(or 4% the population of Russia). I think it would be a challenge for any country with this much difference in population to expect to come out the victor.


I always wanted America to invade Norway. This would grant us oil, money and a strategic position close to Russia. This along with Saudi Arabia. Those who would could to live under American values. The rest killed flat out.


What on earth are you talking about? Norway is a NATO member, which means the US already has a strategic position close to Russia. And American oil reserves are far greater than Norwegian oil reserves. Norway produces a lot of oil, but the Middle East it ain't.


Okay, Kissinger.
