Which characters did you like and which did you not ?
I liked:
Anne Trenchard - great portrayal of not quite bottled up grief.
Lady Brockenhurst - intelligence, feeling and a little ruthlessness.
John Bellasis - an entertaining rogue.
Lady Maria Grey - spirited, charming and beautiful.
Susan Trenchard - I guess she was supposed to be a villain but I had a good deal of sympathy for her. Childless and married to the dull and bad tempered Oliver as she was.
I didn't like:
Oliver Trenchard - a bad tempered bore.
Charles Pope - an underwritten character who was at times a drip and no match for the exceptional Lady Maria.
Lady Templemore - another underwritten character of the one (disagreeable) note variety.
Stephen Bellasis - gambling addicts should be kept locked up for damage control purposes.