We all did stuff...!
I remember pushing pretty hard in several occasions, things that would never fly in 2021 ( I would imagine ) with sex as the end game. Later there were "guy talk"...
shareI remember pushing pretty hard in several occasions, things that would never fly in 2021 ( I would imagine ) with sex as the end game. Later there were "guy talk"...
shareI don't know about you, but I never raped drunk women.
shareMe neither, but I did push pretty hard and in the end convinced this young woman to spread her leg and let me enter...
shareThat's not okay. You should respect women and if she says no, you should accept it and not try to force her to do something she doesn't want to do.
shareAbsolutely !
shareand yet..... women STILL go to bars, get drunk, CLAIMING they are just there to hang out with their friends.... one can drink with friends at home. Women want sex to (eggs a calling) but are raised to not be forth right. Prove me wrong.
A poll once showed 90% of guys went to bars to get laid - and many did. 90% of women go to bars to hang out with friends.... yet.... the numbers don't line up
Just because women go to a bar and drink doesn't mean they want sex. The best way to know if a woman wants sex is if she says "I want sex."
shareDid you see my usage of the term "raised"?
and still more and more women are widening their ass, plumping up their lips, adding more eye lashes, dressing much more hooker-like IN PUBLIC... seeing the pattern yet? As one methodology shrinks, another steps up the game.
What's your point exactly? Are you suggesting that because women wear makeup, drink, and dress in revealing clothes that it is acceptable to harass or assault them? If you see a woman that you want to have sex with, talk to her. Be respectful and if she says no, then leave her alone and move on. Women can dress sexy if they want to. It doesn't justify bad behavior by men.
shareOBVIOUSLY, rape is bad. No reason that factors in to our discussion at all here, as we BOTH know it's wrong. Never going to justify that.
Do you know the entire purpose of make up? It is a connect the dots revelation. We can walk through it if you want.
Equal to that, you say women can dress "SEXY". Again, it is a connect the dots reveal. Do you know what the word "sexy" means?
Yes, I know the purpose of makeup and I know what the word sexy means. What I'm not clear on is what point you are trying to make here.
shareif not to F***, is there cause to ENTICE to F*** ?
it all adds up to procreation. if you turn a light switch on, you EXPECT the light to come on, right? If you step on the gas, you expect the vehicle to excellerate....
if you wear lots of makeup, stilettos, tiny skirt, tight shirt.... well.... what is the point of doing all that? WHY would someone SPECIFICALLY CHOOSE to dress like that if the objective is to REPELL potential mates? If it is NOT to repell, what is it for? Oh, just to look "sexy"... sexy being what again? Purpose of SEXY existing? It's LITERALLY, and I mean LITTERALLY in the definition of the word:
Sexy: SEXUALLY ATTRATIVE or exciting. and SEXUALLY aroused.
.... connect the dots ....
Otherwise DON'T WEAR ALL THAT. It's simple, undeniable math.
Perhaps society's raising of women needs corrected. And not man's natural reactions based on millions of years of customized evolution.
I'VE NOT SEEN THIS FILM. I'm fully unaware of it's contents other than comments here, which I am commenting on.
Women (or men) can wear what they want for whatever reason they want. It doesn't mean they have to have sex with you or whoever. Women are not asking for it just because they of the way they dress.
sharethen, you missed my whole point. thats ok. :)
shareNo , we got your point , you made it because you missed a bigger point.
You sound like Sheldon from BBT
"If these females are not seeking coitus , why are they dressing for the coitus ritual?"
People like showing off. Thats what you are missing.
Women like to look nice. Alot of men do to - even though they are happily in a relationship.
I guess its a lot more subtle and nuanced than "showing off" but i really dont have the time , and you're never going to "get it"
I already "get" that level. it's kinda the dumb person level of "Oh I want to look HOT and SEXY, but I don't MEAN anything by it". Yet, actions speak louder than words. We all see it all the time.
I'm talking about the level BELOW the dumb person excuse level. The id, the reality.
WHAT EXACTLY tells us dressing a certain way or certain make up IS "sexy"?
You can even do your own research. get a female friend and ask her what she is looking for in a guy. "I want a NICE gentleman, that treats me well, and no, money, is not important at all as long as we're happy." Take your friend out, get her shit faced drunk and ask again, "I wanna get WILDLY F***ed, HARD by a hot guy, and a man with lots of money... don't have to be one in the same. hahahaha" inhibitions... why are inhibitions there? Society. that's why. and what do you see when alcohol lowers or removes them? Truth. Reality. and why sexy dressing exists at all.
The science is super easy to test and digest.
It's like this. If a woman is dressing sexy, it's not because she wants to have sex with YOU.
Sorry, that's the bottom line.
so, you don't know the definition of the word "sexy" either?
follow what the words: suggestive, stimulating, attractive, interesting mean, and tack on the suffix "for what?" Like: attractive.... for WHAT? Connect the dots. It's super easy.
and yet..... women STILL go to bars, get drunk, CLAIMING they are just there to hang out with their friends.... one can drink with friends at home. Women want sex to (eggs a calling) but are raised to not be forth right. Prove me wrong.
A poll once showed 90% of guys went to bars to get laid - and many did. 90% of women go to bars to hang out with friends.... yet.... the numbers don't line up
What a complete load of total horseshit
If you ever do get a woman to enter a relationship with you, you'll still find yourself in bars occasionally, but you'll be doing a lot less obsessing over why the women wont sleep with you, as thats not why you're there.
its weird that you don't know me (internet sarcasm). I have almost never gone to bars - never needed to. You have no reason to believe, but I mostly date models from photography.
So, from my limited experience going INTO bars with friends, I've been hit on, and TECHNICALLY "sexually abused" by drunk women, grabbing me, rubbing me, grinding (while NOT dancing), is there an explanation for this behavior? Maybe that is how girls "hang out with friends?" by groping guys they DON'T want sexually?
In that case, you are right. I got it all backwards wrong. Silly me for knowing nothing. My bad. :)
Actually, if 90% of women go to bars to hang with friends and 90% of men go to bars to get laid, and 10% or fewer of people who go to bars achieve a hookup on a given night...
Then the numbers add up.
Oh f*ck right off! So now women can't go to a bar? For the same reason they should wear burkas, right? Because god forbid they "provoke" a man, even if they are just out living their lives and they're only provoking you in your own head. Because we all know it's the woman's responsibility, how a man responds to being "provoked". Riddle me this: why is it that such an alarming number of men genuinely think they are superior to women, yet they can't even control their most basic of instincts, the one thing that's supposed to distinguish them from animals? Because that's what you're saying if it's the woman's fault "you can't control yourselves" So damn superior...! Pathetic.
shareI have had numerous experiences hanging out in basements, coming home from bars , at parties, pool events or after parties with a know or unknown woman making moves in order to get laid.
Never rape but sometimes un-gentleman-like approach. Sometimes I hit jackpot other times rejected…
cool, you mean acting on normal, human instinct? Better, hurry, soon instinct will be against the laws.
i recall a precovid event where I met a buddy at a local pub (bars/pubs are not my thing, but at that time, he needed a friend post a breakup) we met a girl and all talked for a while, then she had to go home to let her dog out, came back in a hotter outfit, hair done, and more makeup... my friend noticed and said she was into me. When the over loud live band started, I'd had enough and started to leave. She grabbed me and shouted into my ear that she wanted to talk to me much much more.
So what kind of CrAzY mixed up signal is that? Making her entire body more SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE.... clothes, eyes, hair... guess she just wanted to be FRIENDS but keep me turned on? Gee. humans are so complex :D
Later my friend said, "Dude, you could have scored!!" Well, that's not what I do, nor interested that way.
not sure why people think all this is so complex: women want men, men want women. its stupid easy. the way they get there is through attraction.... SEXUAL ATTRACTION, done by ATTRACTING.
How many couples in 1000 get married so they can stay together, and NEVER have sex, and NEVER make babies. I dont know, 1 or less?
Yes, there are women out there BEGGING for it. It's natural, normal, the way things ought to be. Even if they grew up denying this publicaly. SOMEONE is still out there producing children... and it is not the men. :D