"Documentary" with 0 insightful facts
I'm sorry to bump this page again, this film does not deserve it, but I had to point this out.
I watched this "documentary" waiting to be informed on some facts, and possibly new facts, about MJ alleged sex abuses, but it only presents a one sided testimony of some hard to believe memories. It's not a fair study of their case: its documentary value is only the filming of these interviews, with these people telling us whatever they want.
There's no filter, no counter argument, no fact checking, no comparison with proven evidence.
The "inteviewer" never nails them with the right question (like he should have): not only these memories are hard to believe, they don't match with investigations and actual proven facts.
I don't know what happened between them and MJ for certain, but it's either:
1-nothing happened
2-something happened and now they enhanced it to get the money
3-what they describe in these interviews happened
This movie does NOTHING to clarify the truth.
If anything, this movie took me on MJ side: it's obvious that the "I didn't know it was abuse when I repeatedly said I was not abused-but through therapy I found out it was" is a LIE: both of them are lying to some extent to navigate around the statute of limitations and get money for their version of facts.
So that's the one and only fact we can collect here: these men are lying about something.
Now, everything else they say here is up for grabs: is that the only lie they tell us, and they are only lying about "realizing it was abuse" while everything else is true, so they should get some compensation for the abuse even if they really lost their chance years ago?
Or are they lying about other stuff too, like the anal sex and the oral sex?
Or is their whole testimony a lie, nothing happened sexually with MJ and they are after some undue payoff jumping on the "MJ-the-molester-gravy-train"?
I don't want to be like those judges in the far west that thinks a prostitute could not be a reliable witness because of her profession, but certainly the fact that these two men lie about one fact doesn't make them look like very solid witnesses about everything else they say.
It would be tragic if they are telling the truth, even more so if they are not believed, but I have to say, after seeing this film and the lies they say in it, I find myself on MJ side.