How this movie got PG-13 rating?

I had to pause to check IMDB the rating acutally is PG-13.

How is that possible? Blood, skull squish...

For comparison the entire The Matrix series are R rating, and I can't understand why (actually I can understand Reloaded for sex secene).


This is a Disney movie.

And "The Motion Picture Association represents the interests of the six international producers and distributors of filmed entertainment."

It's members are:

Paramount Pictures
Sony Pictures
Universal Pictures
Walt Disney Studios
Warner Bros. Entertainment

Disney is a member of MPAA, so you should not be too surprised about a slightly more lenient MPAA rating.


Warner is a member of MPAA too, why The Matrix can't get PG-13 rating?


I think that would be too much, they can do something to benefit themselves within rules, they can even stretch it a little, but they also don't want to lose all credibility.


too much?

What make The Matrix too much than Doctor Strange 2?


Even for the male nudity in the first movie I think is enough. Also it is much darker theme, the sentinels are scarier than the more cartoonish monsters, the club scene is also mature theme.

I am no expert in rating, but I think the matrix is clearly more grown up than this movie.


What male nudity? I watch The Matrix at least 10 times, I can't see anything, even butt.

For comparison , it's been confirm Thor 4 will show Thor's butt, and it's PG-13.

And sentinels are scarier? What? I don't remember they kill anyone in the first one, Wanda kills tons of people.

Oh, and club scene? Please tell me you're joking.


When Neo was unplugged from the matrix, dropped from high. For a second he was fully nude.


You can't see shit. Thor shows ass in Thor 4.


Still frontal. As for Thor, I haven't seen Thor 4, can't say much about it. If there is really rare nudity, then I think that is also too far, should be a more MA rating.

But I still think frontal is worse. The matrix at best can get a MA rating, so I am thinking Disney and WB, their level of influence in MPAA is different.


No, you can't see any frontal shit, and Titanic is PG-13.


I always thought Titanic also should have been MA rating, in Australia it is M rating, it is PG-13 in US I think was due to Paramount as a MPAA member.

The matrix in a lot of countries got equivalent of PG-13, in Australia it is M rating, which I think is fairer. I don't know what happened with WB, it really has been more of a bitch in MPAA, at least with the matrix movies. I don't think the R rating happened naturally, I think it could have been the other members did it to WB, to avoid the competition at the time.

Titanic did well I think to many movie executives was more of a surprise. The matrix movie on the other hand anyone with a brain after watching would have known it was going to be a killer in terms of box office. If they let the matrix getting a PG-13 rating, all the other movies released around the same time would have tanked.


It really wasn't that bad, just more violent than normal for a MCU movie.


The problem is Doctor Strange 2 is more R than entire The Matrix series.


I disagree. There really isn't much in Doctor Strange 2 that children can emulate. It's all magic and monsters.

On the other hand one of the major plot points of The Matrix is that most people would die to protect "the system" and anyone can be an agent, therefore it is justifiable to kill civilians for the the greater good. That's a dangerous idea to plant in young, impressionable minds, where they actually CAN emulate the movie by stealing their parents' guns. The Matrix is a definite R.


I think they both deserve an R rating, but the Matrix films more so than Doctor Strange 2. Also consider that the Matrix films came out some time ago, and standards have changed. Things that were less acceptable then are more accepted now.


The Matrix 4 is R too.


I definitely think all four of the Matrix films deserve R ratings. I think had Doctor Strange 2 been released in 1999, it may also have received an R rating, but things seem a bit more relaxed now, and what would have been borderline R 20 years ago is now PG-13.


Which part made The Matrix 4 more R than Doctor Strange 2?


"A bit more relaxed" is a massive understatement.


wonder the same thing


Where was the blood? I don't think there was any scene showing blood coming directly from injuries.


If I had watched this as a young kid in the 1980’s, I might have been traumatized. So many heroes violently killed!

Kids today are desensitized to this sort of thing.


I think they may be slightly more lenient when it comes to rating on "fake fantasy gore" vs real human gore and blood. look how many orcs died in LOTR and it was pg13

you can see where they rode the line and kept things slightly less gore than it could have


The Matrix is not "fake fantasy gore"? Almost all the killing and blood happen inside the fantasy.


I dont know how you are missing this............. in the matrix its human on human violence. whether it takes place in the matrix and is an agent ect. its a human hurting a human is how those who give it a rating see it.

vs a human hurting a fantasy orc. you get more leniency when its a nonhuman.

this is very simple..... I dont get the confusion


Scarlet witch is human.
