Not bad, not great…

I read that it had a few original ideas but otherwise was too formulaic and was not re-inventing the wheel at all. With the abundance of choice we have in the super-hero genre at the moment, this is not what we are looking for. I still gave it a chance as it looked pretty cool but unfortunately I have to agree with most reviews because 40 minutes in and there was still nothing really exciting, except a “Spider-Man story” only this time with a Mexican family. Unless you really care for the characters this 40 minutes was long and a bit boring. Then, when there is finally some action, the demand for suspension of disbelief is too high and the special effects, bad guys and story too generic. I’m bitching a lot, because I don’t think we needed another formulaic and generic super-hero movie but the kids liked it and it was not “bad” in any way. I was going for a 5.5 but just for that fight scene with one of the greatest songs ever: I ain’t goin’out like that, I will give half a point extra. My rating: 6/10


My takeaway was somewhat similar.

Not a bad movie but a generic superhero origin with a, C tier(?), superhero. I remember thinking to myself if this exact movie came out in say... 2006-2009 it would be quite well received due to it's special FX (which are undeniably better than most of the superhero movies from that time period) and because the market hadn't been saturated by that point.

Sadly for Blue Beetle by the time it came out this exact movie had been done over and over again and it's just not interesting, especially since it's a superhero a lot of people have no prior knowledge off. Also whilst the FX are good it's par for the course in 2024.


I liked it better than I expected. The main actor I thought did fine and George Lopez made me laugh a few times. Susan Sarandon is wasted as the villain but the lead henchman was pretty good.
