Not bad, except...
He refuses to kill the bad guys. No problem to punch them, but nooo, I don't want to kill them.
What a load of shit.
He refuses to kill the bad guys. No problem to punch them, but nooo, I don't want to kill them.
What a load of shit.
He should never hit with a closed fist. He should always hit with an open hand. You make your point, but you give the man his dignity. And for emphasis, you can say "Who's your daddy?" in mid-slap to demoralize your opponent.
shareAnd it is inconsistent. He later targeting the helicopter with his stun weapon, what did he think was going to happen when it hit the helicopter?
I think it is just something to move the plot forwards, and to avoid the R rating.
No, later he still won't kill people, then he wanted to kill people again, then scarab no longer wanted to kill people, even in the beginning it had no problem.
Things just change when it is convenient, I guess to move the plot along.
Totally disagree, this was quite bad. I make a lot of exceptions for kids movies, but this deserves no praise. Him not wanting to kill anyone was the film maker's sad attempt at giving him some semblance of a personality, and they failed coz it made no sense.