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DC Studios' Blue Beetle Movie Gets Exciting News From Test Screening

OTOH, Aquaman 2 had people walk out!

In an "Ask Me Anything" Twitter thread on Sunday, the Big Screen Leaks Twitter page answered two questions about reactions to a test screening of DC Studios' upcoming Blue Beetle.

One fan asked in the thread about the action sequences, prompting Big Screen Leaks to respond that "they sound super entertaining:"

@VengeanceLame: "How were the action scenes received in any of the 'Blue Beetle' test screenings?"

@bigscreenleaks: "Extremely well. It's lots of hand-to-hand combat action sequences and they sound super entertaining"

Separately, the account was asked which actors' performances stood out to test audiences, prompting a concise response:

@jxcekage: "from test screenings who’s gotten the most praise for their performance in blue beetle"

@bigscreenleaks: "Xolo and George Lopez"


I'm a bit skeptical about the reports for Aquaman 2 since it's the exact time team working on it. But nothing suprises me with DC anymore.
