Halfway though harboring many doubts
A big deal is made of the closeness of the 1940 election. Oooh, if it's not careful FDR might lose to Wilkie. Except no, he won 449-82. What a photo finish.
I don't think Eleanor Roosevelt was the one arguing against intervention in the war. She was mainly concerned with the economy and domestic policy. I also don't think she was telling FDR she didn't care about his escapades either. When he died and she found out he had been with Luci Mercer at the time she was profoundly shocked.
The thing that bothers me most though is that they have Sofia Helin playing Princess Martha. She's 48, but Martha was only 39. If we're going to believe FDR was going to go out of his way to get excited about this princess, at least show us someone who still looks at least somewhat young and attractive and acts interesting. But she just looks post-menopausal and acts in a charmless way.