MovieChat Forums > Candyman (2021) Discussion > Another anti-white SJW movie.

Another anti-white SJW movie.

Read some reviews and it's another SJW BLM movie all about how racist white people are and how black people will always be doomed in a "racist" society. Pass!


Question. What isn't woke? Because I swear I can't remember the last movie that came out where someone didn't cry about some vague political agenda. Must've been ten years I reckon.

For guys that are allegedly so obssesed with political take overs 'dem liberal sure are slow at it huh?


Exactly this.

Someone told me being vegetarian was 'woke' the other day.


Woke isn't the right word but it does have the whiff of Leftism.


"whiff of Leftism" is not the right word.
Its more like the STENCH.


I went and saw M. Night Shyamalan's movie Old a few weeks ago. It wasn't woke.

In regard to your second point, they aren't called "progressives" for nothing. They ARE slow and methodical, systematically pushing their agenda and gaining a little ground at a time. Eventually it adds up. Though their pace is accelerating. For instance, I would say just 10 years ago we would not see the wholesale acceptance of transgenderism and gender confusion that they've somehow managed to push into the mainstream.


Question. What isn't woke? Because I swear I can't remember the last movie that came out where someone didn't cry about some vague political agenda.

Nowadays almost every movie or show has a woke agenda. In a nutshell, big media companies are controlled by wokes.

That's why is a problem. Christian movies have an agenda too, but people rarely complain about it. Why? they're a small percentage of movies. However, if Christians managed to buy big media companies and started to push the Christian agenda in every Hollywood movie and show, that'd be extremely annoying. That's what's happening with wokes.


Yep another whites are bad blacks are good BLM propoganda movie !

Shove it !!!


Was pondering on whether to see this based on crap like this. Thanks for the confirmation.


Jeez! Without fail these deranged white supremacists sure are a bunch of whiny ass little bitches yet dem liberals are supposed to be sensitive snowflakes


Exactly, every time I see a woman or person of color trending on the front page it's because some right winger is bitching about how much women and people of color suck. It's gross.


This so much! I don’t even look at it anymore. I am here to discuss movies, not listen to these babies complain about progress. πŸ™„


For real. Imagine being so sensitive you can't stand someone that doesn't look like you be the star of a movie.


The disparity between white kills to black kills in this movie just goes to show how systemically structural and institutionally racist Hollywood is.





So we can't tell the Truth about another Jordan Peele racist ass film?




You hit the nail on the head here. We have a whole group of white guys on this site that despite having every advantage in society have ended up being losers and need to find someone to blame. So the cellar dwellers come on here and circle jerk each other with buzzwords they don’t know how to use properly, trying to convince each other they are oppressed by equal rights. It’s really sad. Makes you wonder who raised them.

They are so narrow minded they cannot possibly watch something and learn from anyone else’s perspective. Education would cure this but they are too busy being mad at the world for their own shortcomings, they block themselves of any knowledge.


you are self hateing


How so?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I think this is the best comment yet. I needed a chuckle!

I can’t wait to hear the reply!

Also it’s hating. There is no e.


We have a whole group of white guys on this site that despite having every advantage in society have ended up being losers and need to find someone to blame. So the cellar white dwellers come on here and circle jerk each other with buzzwords they don’t know how to use properly, trying to convince each other they are oppressed by equal rights. It’s really sad. Makes you wonder who raised them.

Just replace 'white' with 'Jew' and you really would have fitted in with Germany during the 1930s.


Oh yeah cuz white people want to be oppressed so badly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Any movie where a white actor is the villain must be racist. You understand you sound EXACTLY like the same snowflakes you love to ridicule so much?


Peele is a racist.


Towards who, and howso?


because his movies have black people and not white people!!! that is so raist


Just go watch Get Out. It's obvious he holds a lot of resentment toward white people.


Peele is half white and his mom is white, please stop this stupid nonsense

Ira Levin doesn't hate men just because he wrote The Stepford Wives. Social commentary =/= hate


I bet if you made a movie like Get Out and reversed the races, you wouldn't get accused of "social commentary."


You're retarded


You are clearly the one here suffering from a mental deficiency.


you are retarded.


Get Out plays on racism, but it isn't racist. While I'm not for the woke agenda I do think that racism based horror is a new and effective theme being explored in modern movies. It's unsettling in its sense of dread to say the least. Just watch the first few episodes of Them on Amazon. You'll see what I mean.


The problem is that 'racism horror' always goes the same one-way around: evil racist whites chasing poor black victims.

And the funny thing is that meanwhile, in the real world, blacks are more racist than whites (there's surveys that show that). And black culture is way more racist and pro-slavery than white one. Let's remember that slavery in white countries was a 2-3 centuries status, while it has been deep-rooted in black ones for millennia.




How many racism horror movies are out there? I kind of thought it was a new thing and wasn't aware of that many.


Last 2-3 years there has been a few ones.

How many of them use whites as the victims and blacks as the evil racist group? Zero.


There was a movie developed called Cracka that involves a white supremacist being transported back to an alternate time period when whites were enslaved by blacks. I'm not sure if it was ever released and I probably don't want to see it.

I agree with you that these racism horror movies are bad for society. I'm just worried about impressionable young people who get mad after watching them and decide to go polar bear hunting.


There was a movie developed called Cracka that involves a white supremacist being transported back to an alternate time period when whites were enslaved by blacks.

So there is... one unknown low budget movie.

And still... that one movie needs to make the white dude a neo-nazi.

And even doing that... the movie has been cancelled πŸ™„

I agree with you that these racism horror movies are bad for society.

I don't think the genre is inherently bad. I think the problem is that it always portrays the same group as the evil ones.


Peele did Get Out and Us. Antebellum is another one. I only saw Get Out and I was offended by its emphasis on race.

I saw some of the television shows that I would consider racism horror. These include Amazon's Them and Underground Railroad. There is also HBO's Lovecraft Country and Watchmen (spent a lot of time on Tulsa riot). I only watched the first episode of Underground Railroad since they burned a slave alive. Lovecraft country ticked me off since they smeared the long-dead author H.P. Lovecraft because he wrote an essay critical of blacks when he was a young man.

There were certainly tragic events of racism in the past but there were also whites who were abolitionists and civil rights crusaders. The racism horror genre only emphasizes the racism of whites without showing acts of kindness.


Include there some episodes in the remake of Twilight Zone. And probably some other less known works.

Peele will be probably remembered as the most prolific producer of racist movies and shows in the history of cinema. How much he's praised by the current mainstream establishment says a lot about our times.


Ironic given that he married a white woman.


God forbid a black actor be cast as the lead in a movie.


Exactly. It's been nearly 30 years since a black man was cast as the lead in a major motion picture. And look at ads on tv. No black people at all. No black tv shows. No black singers. No black writers. No movies about black people at all! And this in the wake of last summer when BLM showed the world how much black lives matter by burning down buildings and looting every Target store in the vicinity. That's called reparations. Thank God for BLM. Without them, black people walking into stores and filling up Hefty bags and walking out without paying would have been considered a crime. We learned that black people in need can take those things and sell them for a nice hefty profit and then buy some drugs. This is the Utopia we never realized we needed. Until Black Lives Matter and George Floyd shined a light on it like the Star of Bethlehem. God bless them all!


It’s really upsetting that you’re joking, and clearly a bit angry. Deep down, you really do not like the idea of blacks being cast as the lead in the movie. If you did, you wouldn’t have wasted so much time writing a sarcastic essay about it.


Oh, I hate how racist liberals have made America.


Because the conservatives are really doing a great job fixing racism.


I don't think racism can be fixed because the last people who want it fixed are Democrats, who own the black vote. They need racism alive and well so they can pander to the black voters.


That’s a real cute QAnon conspiracy theory. I don’t really have much problem with Republicans, more the conservatives that support them. They’re the ones who want to keep tradition and β€œmorals” over scientific logic that has been studied and proven in the field countless times.


Yeah, how dare people want to keep traditions that built this country? Awful. Dems have started a new tradition. Any time you feel offended, you can riot and loot, tear down statues and assault people at will. That's your 'science' for ya!


They’re the ones who want to keep tradition and β€œmorals” over scientific logic that has been studied and proven in the field countless times.

'Morals' is a matter of social rules, and sociology is NOT yet a scientific field. Perhaps one day it'll be, but not now, not in the next decades, and probably not in the next century. There's no such a thing as "scientific logic" when it comes to morals because sociology is still far from being a science.


You would be reported, boy, if a report option were available. What about Denzel Washington or Stacey Dash, or from outside performing Larry Elder or Charles Barkley.Oh. Right.; Not black.Skin folk, not kin folk.. I guess the big band standards era does not appeal to you


"Directing for me is about hiring the right people, listening to them and helping them do the best job possible.”

β€œI don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie." white dude could be the right person for one of his leads? The guy is talented, no doubt, but this statement could be seen as a bit contradictory.


I probably won’t watch it but I believe the original had racial and political overtones to it as well.


Wrong. This film is not anti-white. It is anti-racism and anti-injustice. And by the way, being an SJW is a good thing and black lives do matter.


Bzzzzzt! WRONG


What part of that is wrong? Are you saying that the lives of black people don't matter? Yikes.


Yeah the person really put their foot in it there.

I've yet to see the film myself but the original had what you could call political commentary in it.

Hell, the basic premises is about someone who was black and feel in love with a white girl and is tortured and killed for it.


Black lives do matter. That sentiment is absolutely true. But the BLM organization are actual terrorists. They commit violence for political purpose. That's the very definition of terrorism.




Even Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, and the late Louie Armstrong and other respectable black lives.Then I am with you. SJWs are bad things..Linda Sarsour for instnace.


I didn't get a Cultural Marxism vibe from Free Guy.


Nor did I! It's DOES have the SJW associated NPC term, b ut in its original game context πŸ™„
