Dear Katori Hall
Memo from R_Kane to Katori Hall: I watch Pussy Valley for the gorgeous women, not for the gay love story, through which I usually fast-forward. You’ve maintained a good pussy/gay narrative balance, but the ratio shifted ‘WAY too much to the gay side in the season 3 climax. I’ve followed and supported this show from Day One, but I’m getting ready to bail.
Not for nothing, a lot of the lines you write for “Uncle” Clifford are too eloquent and educated really to have come from his hysterical mouth. You indulged your writing talent at the expense of character verisimilitude. Cliff ain’t that articulate. He just flaps his (YES! HIS! the dude has a dick, dammit!) hands around a lot.
Consider making the dialogue less faithful to the argot of a town located in East Assfuck, Mississippi and more intelligible to a much larger audience. You are VERY talented, Katori. Please don’t allow hubris to make you squander the rewards your talent can bring you.