When I compare Banshee’s Job to P-Valley’s Uncle Clifford, I love Job and can’t standUncle Vapors
Both characters are drag queens. Both are larger than life, but how can a drag queen be otherwise? The difference is that Uncle Clifford is extremely annoying, immature, incompetent and repulsive. He has ZERO business acumen. You have to be a ditz (which s/he is) to lose money selling sex. Enter Autumn Night, with her MBA, to pull Uncle Vapors (as in, “a case of the”) up off the floor and save what is now THEIR club. When did Job ever need saving? When the fucking CIA kidnapped and sequestered him in a Black OPs holding tank! There’s an entire UNIVERSE of difference between THAT magnitude of trouble and not being able to pay your tittie bar’s bills!
My point is that gay men (both of them black in this comparison, so it’s a level playing field) do not need to be hysterical, unfocused, ignorant and wearing both a thick beard AND a bustle. The development of the Uncle Clifford character is obnoxious. The show can balance it by letting Autumn kick his noxious ass to the kerb (that is how it is spelled) and humble him into growing up.
My all time favorite Job line (to Deva, uncertain how she felt about her parents who just saved her from rape): “ You have parents who will KILL or DIE for you!” And she had parents who knew how to kill and how to die. Uncle Clifford, not so much. Fuck it: not at all.
Uncle Cliffie’s got a way to go before he can summon that kind of solidity and give a damn about anyone else who’s uninvolved with his dick.