
Honestly, I'm quite fluent but I can't understand even half of the dialogue.


I agree. It!s a problem that seems to be accelerating. There’s a lot of mumbling and slurring. I’m not sure they want White people to be watching this, which is a shame, because the dramatic narrative is compelling. Currently, it’s the college-educated scholar vs. the screaming, ridiculous asshole; the passionate, truly righteous (“A bitch have to have integrity”) vs. the hubris-bursting bitch-mother: in short, good sense versus nonsense. White people can understand that. I mean, we had these playwrights like Aeschylus, Euripides and Shakespeare.

I want to add that this is my first exposure to Katori Hall and I think she is gifted. I mean ZERO disrespect to her, nor to the cast. I think they are working their collective ass off. I do have an issue with the audio production values, and possibly with the demographic skew that Showtime is courting. White Lives Matter, too.
