Why did Alvin and Mr. Levin fight?
The whole Alvin character arc puzzles me.
First, he signs up to fight the nazis. He has to do it from Canada because America will not enter the war. (wow - Roth had a hell of a great idea with that! If not for Japan and Pearl Harbor, America probably would have stayed out of the war until Germany became too strong to stop). So far, so good. He is in a terrible battle and loses one leg. (By the way, read about that real battle. It was poorly planned and hundreds of good men got mowed down unnecessarily).
Then he meets a girl and he starts to put his war injury behind him as best he can. Great.
Next, we find out he didn't lose his leg because of heroism. He abandoned his position because the enemy guy's screaming got to him (why? He felt sorry for the guy? It just annoyed him? Why did he run over to the German soldier?). Anyway, his action in battle caused terrible things to happen. One of the guys from his outfit tells him that two buddies got shot and permanently disabled because of his boneheaded stunt. It turns out that Alvin is not a hero - he's an idiot who got guys hurt.
Suddenly, a guy appears almost out of nowhere and asks Alvin to use his training to use radar to monitor Lindbergh's plane. Alvin monitors... there are no results... and we are left hanging. What the hell was that all about? That story line played no role as far as I could see. Was it that Alvin got a chance to redeem himself? Was it to show Lindbergh was in America and he is being blackmailed by the nazis? What difference does it make to the story? For the purposes of this story, it doesn't matter if Lindbergh personally turns out to be a good guy or a bad guy.
Here's where i need help: Why did Alvin and Mr. Levin get into a fight? In earlier episodes, they both fought for what they believed in. Sure, they fought in different ways because Mr. Levin had a family to protect and Alvin didn't. But WHY DID THEY COME TO BLOWS? I really don't understand. Argue? Yes. Fight? No. Just because Alvin put the war behind him and concentrated on his new girl and boxer and pinball machines and restaurants, etc. What business is it of Mr. Levin's? I'm lost. I bet if David Simon reads my post, he will scream, "He didn't get it! Either he is stupid or I failed to get my point across!" lol