This is about right

“My world doesn’t matter to America, so why should I care about its mascot?”


I am guessing that is about America being racist.


I didn't know countries could be racist. Is it just North America, or is South America racist too? Are those countries racist against more mountainous areas? Its very strange to understand how a chunk of earth can be racist.


No. Only America is racist.


How is this about "America!" *shakes fist*

Karli is the one killing people, Sam and Bucky are working with a terrorist, but how does this turn into an "America's wrong again" thing?


I agree, I was being sarcastic. It annoyed me when I heard her say that. I thought to myself I'm watching a show to be entertained not to be force fed some wokeness shit.


Ok, fair enough.

I don't mind that the show has an agenda, beliefs, whatever, but if you're going to do it, it has to have validity. This show's message has no merit. All the articles, fan comments, discussion around this show are "what Walker did" and "who is going to get the shield." Hell, a coworker came up to me just yesterday and I teed off on the show (not her). She said, "Do you think Sam is going to get it?

My reply was something along the lines of, "Probably, but he doesn't deserve it." She gave me a "Please explain, look." The Flag Smashers are terrorists. They are by definition of the word terrorists. Sam tried to negotiate with said terrorists - who just minutes before killed Walker's partner (no reaction from Sam) and when Walker killed Morgantheau's character he clutches his pearls with the rest of crowd - and Bucky and Sam are working with another terrorist, who Bucky helped free. But all we're talking about is Walker and the shield." She's a nice woman. I believe she is a wokester based on some things she said. But she looked at me and was like, "You know, I never realized all that, but you're right."


It's had me thinking... Does American care about me? I don't think it does... but I've never thought about this before. Should it care about me? I don't think so...

By "America" does she mean "the federal government"? Or "other Americans"? Regardless- I don't expect either to care about me.

Or am I thinking about this wrong?


Yeah, nothing to take issue with because it is.. true. You may be sarcastic, but yeah, she said it for a good reason.

And needless to say, one of the number of things in this fantastic series (and many other modern films and shows) that’s triggered the fragile alternate reality-living Reich wing chumps obsessed with Hollywood and cry excessively about how society and this reactionary-unfriendly industry isn’t for keeping things the way they were in your glory pro-injustice days. Ahh, ya’ll over here and broken record-ly using your cutesy red pill dork web buzzwords and, like true projecting reactionary propagandists, ranting about agendas, huh? That sounds about reich. Stay mad


I don't know who your pandering to and I don't care, but I'm not a right wing or left wing. You talk about ranting and agendas and you just typed a whole reactionary tale about nothing. You sound just like the people you are talking about. I said annoyed not mad. By the way I'm a black man and you sound fucking ridiculous just because someone doesn't fall under your umbrella of beliefs, that sounds about Reich to me. You stay mad while I live my life laughing at people like you. Peace chump.....I has to edit this, I just noticed you have over 4000 post on here LOL do you do anything but get mad at people online? Ahhhh keyboard warrior keep doing your thing 👌


Hi blueanon! Is your tinfoil hat scratchy? Fucking loser kek.


In a show where there are terrorists exist and are actively doing terrorist things, and our supposed heroes are working with another terrorist, why are you talking about "tHe GovErnMenT!" and "WaLkEr!" ? Are you just that anti-authority/American you can't even see the objective truth? This show's message doesn't work.
