Things I learned from this board
had a very educational experience so far, here's some of the stuff that i've learned:
- criticising something equals promoting it.
- people who defend a film that criticises the sexualization of children are perverts.
- deliberately misinterpreting a film's intentions is acceptable, especially if you can use it to pursue a hidden political agenda.
- twerking can get you pregnant, as there's no difference between sexually connoted dance moves and the subject of the connotation.
- letting child actors twerk in front of the camera is abusive by all means, the consent of the actors and their parents as well as working with a child psychologist don't matter.
- exploiting those twerk scenes in an online hate campaign against the film is acceptable though and won't potentially have any harmful psychological effects on the child actors at all.
- by posting dirty fantasies about how "perverts" might react to certain images from this film, you're not sexualizing children all the more (as well as projecting your own practices to other people).
- there's no difference between children twerking of their own free will and animals being tortured (against their will, obviously).
- oh wait, there is a difference: twerking children in a french arthouse film are reason for a massive online shitstorm, while it's acceptable to praise hollywood blockbusters where dozens of animals have been abused or even killed during the production, just for your popcorn entertainment.
- laws are based on your personal morals, codes of law don't exist.
- if you're convinced that a film's content is illegal, you're not going to report it to the authorities, because an online outrage is more appropriate than legal action.
- you can make "thoughtful" reviews just based on a trailer, watching the whole film is not necessary at all.
- context is irrelevant.
- people who've seen the whole film and make thoughtful reviews are pedos if their opinion is not in accordance with those who've only seen the trailer.
- france is a bunch of weirdos.
- all lefties are pedos.
- even lefties condemn this film (although they are all pedos).
- film auditions are carried out for the voyeuristic pleasure of the casting crew and film makers.
- for the audition of cuties, candidates had to twerk in front of old men, even though all three casting crew members as well as the director are female.
- sexualization of children is typically encouraged by women/feminists.
- every professional film critic of the world is part of a pedo conspiracy.
- hollywood has been accused of sexualizing children for years, but it takes a small french indie film to cause an actual shitstorm over alleged sexualizing content.
- everybody is already aware enough of social issues, critical media to hold a mirror up to society is not needed.
- making an uncomfortable social commentary in a film is only justified if this film proves to change the world and fully eliminate the social issues.
- depicting uncomfortable social issues is only acceptable in entertainment/genre movies - in an authentic drama it's exploitation.
- erotic scenes with child actors are morally acceptable though, as long as you claim the fictional character was actually legal age and just happens to look like a child due to growth hormone deficiency.
- child beauty pageants are morally acceptable and not pedophile at all, as long as they take place in a conservative american environment, instead of a french drama film.
- praising nazi propaganda movies is acceptable, as long as they are well crafted.
- it's convincing to claim you have a high iq and therefore your arguments must be superior.
- it's acceptable to make polemic exaggerations based on the deliberate misinterpetation of a film's content, applicable laws as well as the denial of the concept of personal consent.
- if you run out of arguments, you can still repeat your previously refuted argument over and over again.
- if you have no counter argument, it's acceptable to reply with personal attacks, swearwords and unrelated insinuations.
- if you don't know what to say, just throw in a random jeffrey epstein or harvey weinstein remark (or any other *stein of your choice).
- everyone with a different opinion is a troll.
- cuties is evil. period.