Great premise, collapsed into Cape...doo doo
So I guess Marvel just can't help themselves. Here was a show with an interesting premise that could have been an amazing eerie Twilight Zone style series with its own unique place. But no, despite starting out well and having some brief brilliant moments ("what is grief, but love persevering?") they didn't have the discipline to stick with it. It devolves by the end into every generic MCU trope infested formula driven instalment.
We got Ye Olde Battle of CGI Effects, heroes pitted against another version of what they are (witch vs. witch, Vision vs. Vision, agent vs. agent), carpet bombed quips, revenge of the nerds, post credits tease, you name it. By the end I found myself in that familiar detached mood where I knew I'd seen it all before and felt zero suspense or hope for a fulfilling ending.
It seems like the people in charge of Marvel took a cool idea and studio-interfered it into blandness. You can feel the underlying ideas since they briefly emerge, but the damage is too severe. Somewhere there is a writer who developed this concept, demoralized and cynical now, having seen their idea ruined by a studio. I think we can now conclude that Marvel is incapable of innovation and will trudge along with their formula until it cannot be juiced any further.