MovieChat Forums > Loki (2021) Discussion > Did Sylvie make the right choice?

Did Sylvie make the right choice?

We're supposed to believe she effed up by taking her revenge and unleashing chaos for Loki and the rest of the Avengers/Guardians to have to clean up the mess, but isn't killing off a tyrant and letting people live their lives in freedom worth whatever consequences a messier and less controlled reality create?

Sylvie did the selfless thing, passing on her chance to rule the Timeline and giving up her new love with Loki to set people free. She may have even sent Loki to a timeline where he can make things better.

She is the true hero of the series and of the multiverse.


She did it so Loki wouldn't have to sacrifice himself to maintaining the sacred timeline, at the end of time.


Hmm, not sure ...

can you define free will? And freedom?

Is it better to let people do whatever they want (and their actions might lead to others dying in direct or indirect) or to have a controlled society?

As an example: would you rather live during the french revolution? When they killed each other several times over and everything was a shithole and a mess or during the today Paris where there are laws and all kind of controls in place?


We won't know for a few more seasons of "Loki", and as many films about the multiverse as make money.


I'm going to agree. That POSSIBILITY that bad men, will use Freedom to rise and do evil, is not a justification for the mass murder of innocents.

Sounds to me like the thing for the TVA to do, moving forward, is to take out bad Kangs, not variant EVERYONES.

An infinity of Kangs sound just as easy to watch as an infinity of everyones.


Sylvie made the wrong choice. Like Loki counseled, they should have thought through the ramifications of assuming control of the TVA. Kang seemed willing enough to teach them about his life’s work and answer their questions. Perhaps they might have addressed the flaws of his arrangement as they saw them. Fully informed, could always have elected to kill Kang later.
