How woke is this?
I heard this is based on a book written by a woman and stars women. What, no men available?
shareI heard this is based on a book written by a woman and stars women. What, no men available?
sharei didn't find it to be woke at all, & i kinda despise woke messaging in movies.
i'd say it's actually refreshing in the way it depicts its central character as being deeply flawed, even unlikeable.
i guess you could say there is some pc messaging in it, in how enforced gender roles pushed this woman to do destructive things? that wouldn't be my own take on it. but maybe that's an interpretation...
it's fine. i didn't love it myself or anything, but it's perfectly watchable & interesting all the way through.
jessie buckley has nice red hair & i like looking at her.
shareYour dick will shrivel up while watching it. When it ends you will make an appointment for a sex change.