
So the definition of the world 'Relic' is "a person or thing that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded" and there could not be a more apt description of this film.

If you have ever seen ANY horror movie where family members a menaced by forces unknown in a creepy, isolated haunted house, you do not need to see this. While I did enjoy the performances (Emily Mortimer is particularly good and her Australian accent one of the most authentic I've heard from a Brit) it was just so derivative of a thousand films before it that I was bored and bored quickly. It didn't help that the cinematographer decided to go for the "so black you don't know what the fuck you're looking at" aesthetic.

Was so hoping for a new Australian horror classic but sadly this is definitely not it.



I too was disappointed, considering the glowing reviews. The ending is clearly the best thing about it, but even there, for it to be as heart-wrenching as they clearly intended it to be, the movie needed to present us with a tangible feeling of love and affection among the three family members, but I never really got that all throughout the movie. I just kept thinking that there's something off between Kay and her mom, and I was waiting for it to be addressed, which never happened.

I also had another major problem with the movie; in movies which make great use of metaphors or are based around them, you have this surface level story that the characters experience which is their world and everything about it makes sense. However, you have to look a bit deeper to pick up on the things which are being depicted beneath the surface; the metaphors. In this movie, though, although it works completely fine on the metaphorical level, it is a failure and makes pretty much no sense on the surface level. And in addition to that, the surface level events are not much interesting or engaging either. At least that's how it felt to me.


the picture was really dark


Pitch black. I found it really annoying.


Yup. I'm sure it was intentional but at the same time genuinely looked like they'd accidentally underexposed the whole film whilst shooting and salvaged the footage as best they could in editing.
