Why watch it?

Is it just a history lesson about Celestials? Does the movie continue the MCU? Would it be for the casual viewer? Or more for the hardcore comic book fan?


Because it's the origin story for a whole new story arc and enjoyable in it's own right (well I thought so anyway). Also the teasers amongst the credits hint it will merge in to the already established film series.


i didn't


It's definitely not for hardcore comic fans. I've never heard of the Eternals, and I loved it.

I think the film will be enjoyed most by someone who is not normally a fan of action films or comic book/superhero films. It's more like a character study drama, punctuated with action sequences, along the lines of, say, Seven Samurai. It isn't on that level, but it's in the same vein.

And yes, it does continue the MCU narrative, quite significantly.


Ok, glad to hear it. I'll definitely give it a go. It seemed like Spiderman was the only thing happening after Endgame. I hope it leads the way for something epic, like with Final Space. ** Fingers crossed **
