Lol 'Diversals'
They predate all humans and aren't even from this planet ... So why does every representation tickbox matter much.
Forced, as in literally forced, especially the fucking forgottens LOL
They predate all humans and aren't even from this planet ... So why does every representation tickbox matter much.
Forced, as in literally forced, especially the fucking forgottens LOL
Could be intentionally designed to look like locals and eternals on other planets would look different. Whats more interesting is why a perfect immortal robot would be mute. Why not just fix that in production.
shareRepresentation ...
Why would one be a child ffs???
" eternals on other planets would look different"
They said that they have been doing it for a longer time, on different planets. So no, that is not the reason. And on all planets they had the exact form of humans with the exact same races. Makes sense. None.
>Why would one be a child ffs???
Human is more likely to trust a child than an adult.
>They said that they have been doing it for a longer time, on different planets. So no, that is not the reason. And on all planets they had the exact form of humans with the exact same races. Makes sense. None.
The same person who lied to them about everything also could have lied about this. Also since the memory transfer is clearly no issue they could have easily have their bodies adopted to each planet while retaining the same comciuosness. They are artificial beings after all.
"Human is more likely to trust a child than an adult."
Nope, not when it comes with life and death situations. Would you put your life in the hands of a child??
Plus: in his case the fact that he doesn't age would be visible in one year, not in decades like with the others.
Who would trust a kid that doesn't ever age???
It wasn't just the celestial, Ajak said as well that it's not their first rodeo. And we see the army of them, all looking humans (just with replaceable skin ...)
Theres more than life and death situations when you are living among the natives for 7000 years. They made it pretty clear the eternals did a lot more than just protect them.
What we see is a celestial induced illusion just like everything else when they are communicating.
Of course Ajak said it, she believed shes been serving celestial cause for millions of years. Thing is - everything the eternals are, their minds, feelings, it was all artificially created for the purpose of the mission. They didnt even have a way off the planet once the birthing happened.
"Theres more than life and death situations when you are living among the natives for 7000 years. They made it pretty clear the eternals did a lot more than just protect them."
And you still wouldn't trust a child in important situations. Period. Or I don't know, maybe you ask all the time your 8 years old for advice on how to live your life, financial advice and so forth. He might be smarter than you and take better decisions indeed.
"hey made it pretty clear the eternals did a lot more than just protect them." while they made it pretty clear TO NOT INTERFERE.
"They didnt even have a way off the planet once the birthing happened." Are you THAT retarded??? NO wonder you take advice from a 8 years old. They fucking had a spaceship, the one they arrived in. The Domo.
Maybe you wouldnt trust a child. Most people would. We are hardwired biolgically to be empathetic to children.
>while they made it pretty clear TO NOT INTERFERE.
because givign them technology and plowing their fields for them is not interfering. ok then.
>Are you THAT retarded??? NO wonder you take advice from a 8 years old. They fucking had a spaceship, the one they arrived in. The Domo.
A spaceship they didnt even bother looking for until they needed to attack a celestial and half of them didnt even knew where it was. If Deviant hasnt made an attack on them they would have all died with the humans before they even realized something is wrong.
"Maybe you wouldnt trust a child. Most people would. We are hardwired biolgically to be empathetic to children."
Yeah, in order to protect them, not to take life advices from them.
"because givign them technology and plowing their fields for them is not interfering."
And that's my point: they are constantly interfering in human affairs. Which supposedly is against their mission.
And btw, alien invasions, Thanos attacks ARE NOT human affairs/conflicts.
"A spaceship they didnt even bother looking for until they needed to attack a celestial"
Bla bla, the fact is: they had a ship ready that would have taken them away from the planet.
Why didn't they bother to look for it? BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING BAD WRITING, THAT'S WHY. And that's what I'm saying.
I'm assuming their creators wanted them to purposely have limits. Otherwise, I don't really see any reason why they all couldn't have the power of flight, healing, etc.
shareI think the idea was: These aliens who know nothing about humans made beings that looked like humans, without understanding anything about humans. They had no idea that creating an immortal who looked like a child would be a problem, and had no clue that humans who were younger than others, or who had different sensory input, or darker skin, or smaller mammary glands or larger waists, would be considered less valued than others. Or that other humans would lose their damn-fool shit if they saw a group of humans with varied skin color together.
The casting works for me, especially when their origins are revealed. They're just meant to look like a random assorted grab-bag of humans, and they do.
Why would the celestial make a mute? That can't be explained by your theory.
shareBecause they didn't realize that making a human that didn't speak or hear was going to create problems in communicating with or being taken seriously by the real humans, just like they didn't realize that making a child who never ages is abnormal. That much makes sense, at least, the Eternals were created by beings who knew squat about humans, and didn't realize that if they'd made a team of white men and big-busted women, then people like you wouldn't despise them.
Or perhaps, they just discounted the opinions of people like you, just like all the sensible humans do.
I don't think the celestial was that ignorant, otherwise Eternals would not have included all races and can even mate with locals. The mute was not created accidentally, the celestial had to take away something to make that happen, why?
shareIf they'd just modeled their Eternals on existing humans, without understanding much if anything about humans, then they wouldn't have to take anything away from that particular Eternal. Just build her to resemble the random human they used as a model, who happened to be deaf.
And yes, I think the existence of a 7,000 year old child proves that the Celestials didn't understand a damn thing about humans. Not that there was much to understand about the primitive hunter-gatherers of 7,000 years ago, all most of them ever did was eat, reproduce, and die. A few practiced agriculture, or organized warfare, that was about it. What was there to tell one from another at that point? No, the Celestials were just interested in the humans for their potential to use as Celestial fodder, they didn't give a damn about their societies or interrelationships. So they'd really have no reason to build their Eternals to your standards,
It was pretty bad... Spoiler below:
White man is evil and the darkies drive him to suicide... art mimics reality.
I bet you get offended when you get called white supremacist.
shareI do not get offended. I love this clown world, it is fucking hilarious watching city folk suffer. I live amongst my people in the country side, we don't call each other names and we do not throw tantrums because our feelings were hurt.