Except for the incredible Hulk. I am sure someone will moan that IMDB doesn't mean anything, well even the the RT critics, (who rated Ghostbusters 2016 74% fresh) have them at 18,19 and 26 out of 26 moves so far. All 3 movies are rated lower than Thor: The Dark World, which is often cited as an example of a bad MCU movie.
I think the results of the experiment are in. It turns out that there were almost no female directors was not because of the patriarchy, but because women suck at directing. Can we go back to the selecting directors on merit again, so MCU movies can be mostly good like they used to be instead of sucking?
I just looked it up and Incredible Hulk, Thor Dark World, and Iron Man 2 were the three lowest ranked prior to Eternals. All three had male directors. So now only one of the three is female directed.
The IMDB score is much more accurate. It's based on hundreds of thousands of user ratings, and it is weighted to balance vote stuffing. Also the users don't tend to be influenced by political ideological preferences like RT critics. Even on RT they are in the bottom third of MCU movies. A couple of male MCU directors sucked, but most of them have been good. All 3 female directors have sucked badly.
Every major movie at imdb gets bombed with 10s and 1s from fans or anti-fans, often before the movies come out. Ever notice that Godfather has a lower score than the Dark Knight (or at least it did the last time I gave a shit about that site). It’s because Batman fans were mad that Godfather was higher in votes. Rotten Tomatoes critic scores are much harder to bomb. The audience scores, not so much.
Keep in mind that I didn’t like Captain Marvel or Black Widow all that much and have yet to see Eternals. You’re just being disingenuous.
IMDB is not perfect, I said it is the BEST and most reliable rating, which it is. Women MCU directors have a 3/3 failure rate according to IMDB, and none of them have been in the top half of MCU movies on any metric. Even if the next female director turn out to be good, that will be 1/4. If male MCU directors had a 1/4 success rate, there would be no MCU.
So it seems to me that female directors are being given opportunities they HAVE NOT EARNED to promote an agenda, and at the cost of the quality of MCU movies. I am not being disingenuous, I am genuinely pissed off, and I have good reason to be.
I already gave you 3 reasons why it is the best rating. Sheer volume, the weighted average(which as someone below pointed out, disproves your "proof"), and the fact that the votes represent normal people, not critics who give Ghostbusters 2016 a 74% fresh rating, because they are scared they will be cancelled if they give it a rotten rating.
Actually, Satan2016 did not disprove me. Going back to look at the top rated imdb movies proves I am right. Dark Knight is supposedly the third greatest film of all time according to that site. So yes, I am correct.
4th, but reading is obviously not your strong point.
So your entire case is based upon one movie being rated 4th? Give me an example of 1 other movie in the top 250 movies list on IMDB that is in there because of a voting campaign.
But if this is wrong and you say it’s fourth my point continues to stand. As for other movies that don't belong there just at a glance: Fight Club, Inception, and Matrix.
Why? I have the link right there. Anyway, if you got some other list and it’s still filled with Batman movies and dumb sci-fi flicks, then it STILL proves my point.
I didn’t. In fact, having a ton of Batman fanboys fucking around with an easily rigged system shows how superhero movies can have a skewed rating. Thanks for playing.
Saying Dark Knight was one of the best superhero movies and saying it was one of the greatest films of all time are entirely different things. And beaides, the Imdb was still proven to be skewed by Batman fans. This was a proven fact.
You keep saying it's a proven fact. I don't think you know what proof or fact mean.
You think a superhero movie shouldn't be ranked in the top 10 or something. But you are probably fine with a movie about Hobbits and elves being in there, because it is based upon a classic novel. Most moviegoers don't factor these things in when they rate a movie. So the list if probably fairly accurate. Definitely the most accurate list that exists anywhere.
If you want to show an example of vote fixing on IMDB, Zack Synder's justice League would be a much better example. For it's flaws, IMDB is still the most reliable rating that exist.
Apparently, you were not around the Imdb boards back then. A bunch of these idiots were gloating about it and got themselves banned along with their socks. Then they cane back with new accounts and tried to do it all over again. It was a whole big thing.
Aside from that, you can look at any upcoming superhero flick and see 10s and 1s before the movies come out. Because idiots care about that shit.
Matrix is the most influential pop-corn movie since Star Wars/Jaws/Alien were released during the 70s/80s. Inception is probably the best pop-corn movie in the last two decades. And Fight Club is the hallmark of cult movies.
Everybody has its own list when it comes to best movies, some people are biased towards pop-corn, others towards drama. You don't agree with the list? That's fine. But those movies are there because of their quality and influence, not because of some religious/political agenda.
IMDB doesn't strike me as the best or most reliable rating. Anyone can vote multiple times using multiple accounts. While no site is perfect, Rotten Tomatoes is certainly the best one. An audience vote there is only verified if the voter has purchased a ticket to the film. While someone could have multiple accounts, and buy multiple tickets, to vote more than once, that is a lot more difficult, and far less likely, than on IMDB or other sites.
The IMDB rating is weighted depending on how many films a user has rated. It's quite easy to detects vote rigging accounts with the algorithm. And nobody bothers rigging votes on IMDB anymore, they do that on RT. The audience vote on RT is composed of only a few thousand ratings, which makes it MUCH MUCH easier to rig. I am sure the 86% audience rating that Eternals has right now is totally legit....lol. No one outisde of the US uses any of the RT approved ticket vendors. And what about people who just turn up and buy a ticket? Of course it is quite easy for a studio to give a few thousand tickets to employees(through fandango) who can then rate the film on RT.
Nope, Godfather has a higher score than the Dark Knight! It's raw mean is 8.9 but adjusted to 9.2 by ignoring the fake 1*s. Proving you can't rig IMDb ratings.
As I said, it had Godfather beat back when I actually visited that site. It’s a shit system. I can go in and rank Eternals anything I want right now without having seen the movie. I can also create sock accounts and do the same thing over and over again.
So I just checked and Dark Knight is BARELY squeezed out by Godfather and still has Godfather II beat. In fact, according to Imdb, that Batman movie is the third greatest film of all time, beating Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction, etc. So yeah, my point stands.
Out of 13 MCU directors, 5 of them: John Favreau, Josh Whedon, James Gunn, The Russo bros, Taika Waiti have all made stunning movies for their debut. John Watts, Peyton Reed, Ryan Cooglar, Kenneth Branagh all made solidly good movies. I dislike Shang chi, but it has been generally well received. Then you have Leterier, Taylor, Johnson who made rather mediocre movies. None of those movies bored me though. I would put them in a similar category to Shang Chi and Black Widow. Iron Man 3 is a divisive movie. Some people like it, some people hate it.
Of those last 4 directors, Shane Black had a lengthy resume of writing hit movies. Johnston had directed The Rocketeer which was why he was a good fit to direct The First Avenger.
James Gunn and The Russos had never done anything significant, but the fact that they turned out so great means that Feige obviously knew something that we didn't.
What had any of those 3 women done to deserve their shot at the biggest movie franchise in the history of cinema? Well Cate Shortland was picked by Scarlet Johansson. Ana Boden, would she have got the job as director(or her husband) if she was a man with exactly the same resume? Of course not.
What made Chole Zhao the best director in the world to make The Eternals movie? explain to me if you know.
Of the next 7 upcoming MCU movies that have been anounced, 6 are directed by men: 5 of them are returning directors of highly successful MCU movies. The other one is Sam Raimi, director of the original Spiderman Trilogy and Evil Dead movies.
The woman is:Nia Dacosta, a black woman who has directed two feature length movies, neither of them of note. Both of those movies starred black female actors who have starred in recent Marvel properties though. She has the right genitalia, skin color, and connections.
Is the fact that Sam Raimi directed 3 Spiderman movies before getting the Doctor Strange gig also an "opinion"? Or are you just going to ignore all that stuff.
I replied to your post where you gave your opinion on what MCU movies you like. You did write a brief little bit about Sam Raimi but again, I don’t expect you to be capable of backing up y’know… the actual point of your post.
"no female directors was not because of the patriarchy, but because women suck at directing."
Not true.
Yes, your explanation is possible, but another explanation is: patriarchy cause women hard to get directing jobs, they have to accept shitting projects, even though they know it's bad.
Eternals is now 6.8. Thor DW & Captain Marvel & Black Widow also 6.8, Incredible Hulk 6.6. Lowest rated directed by a man! Plenty of DC movies are lower.
top 20 also all directed by men. I don't think I ever claimed that no bad male directors exist. I didn't even claim that no good female directors exist. I said that the reason that most directors are male reflects that women suck at directing, not discrimination. Which is consistent with the evidence before our eyes of what happens when you give female directors opportunities they didn't earn.