What I didn't like
The movie had potential to be more interesting than it ended up being.
These are the things that I didn't really enjoy in the movie:
- The lore was good and interesting, but it was too specific for my taste; they literally explained there is a god, or a group of gods, responsible for creating everything we see. It tried to be almost a 2001 Space Odyssey but with everything explained
- The story was all over the place and didn't have a good rhythm. The flashbacks concept was OK, but not properly executed. We never really knew where they wanted to take us
- I didn't like that there were so many "copies" of these Eternals around the universe, takes a bit of the interest in these specific Eternals
- The deviants seemed pointless. The movie would have been almost the same without them, and Kro looked terrible
- Their relationship was also weird. Sprite suddenly betrays them all, then at the end she's back to being a normal sarcastic teenager without any consequence or conversation about it
- "Druig is dead now", oh look, Druig is alive; I thought Ikaris was supposed to be good? How could he understimate his enemy that he's known for 7000 years this much?
- "I killed you because I was jealous of you, Sersi", oh look, Sersi is already recovered. Pointless setup of that dagger that ended up doing nothing
- Jon Snow seemed shoehorned into the movie
- Phastos' husband was so clearly a "check" on the diversity checklist that it made me feel awkward
Still, the movie was visually nice. The characters were mostly sympathetic/tolerable.
The soundtrack was good also, great start of the movie with Pink Floyd, wasn't expecting that.
It could be setting up an intriguing new phase in the MCU, let's see.