This has NOTHING to do with a WOMAN'S BODY
This is about the body that is growing inside her.
What sort of person is SO irresponsible that they are responsible for another life and treat it like a piece of garbage.
YOU are EXACTLY what is wrong with America today. You feel the ONLY opinion that matters is YOURS and everyone else should be silenced.
How arrogant you are to speak of social justice yet condemn freedom of speech and have such a disregard for human life.
You are one who hasn't a clue as to the freedoms and principals America was founded on.
All you care about is YOU
The woman HAS the right to choose when she chooses to have unprotected sex or not. But no one has the right to choose to kill another human being that has his/her own heartbeat. Furthermore, a human being with a heartbeat has the RIGHT TO LIFE whether you acknowledge it or not.
And what about the body of the woman who hasn't been born yet? Or the man who hasn't been born yet? Or did you just say all that to get a rise out of people?
shareLook at the replies here so far.
What I said got the job done; didnt it?
I read your loathsome post ant it just hit a HOT button with me.
I get sick and tired of the stupid argument of "its MY body" and I can do what I want, where the reality is that all to often what is being violated is a life all its own.
Your feelings about me matter little at this point.
I actually understand that abortion is a "necessary evil, that we sometimes must face. I was also ignorant to certain truths about abortion. The movie was based on a true story.
The woman worked in an abortion clinic. She had had 2 abortions herself. THEN she learned certain "truths" about things she actually hadn't seen or experienced.
She was also being forced into a position of accepting later and later term abortions, which she DISapproved of.
The woman had received an award for here services and st the same time was being sued for disloyalty to the clinic for changing her mind about her job.
I too have changed my position on the subject. I see a push toward later and later termed abortions. I have reached MY breaking point and have had to rethink a lot my former position.
To top it all off YOU and your almighty"social justice" position advocate BANNING movies which are based on TRUTH, and inform people of things which have been hidden from us. Its as if to say we dont have the right to hear the truth.
If you haven't seen the movie, then you dont WANT to hear the truth but dont suggest that others shouldn't hear it.
Frankly its not a subject I enjoy discussing.
And with that, I an done here.
And I actually must apologize to the extent that the reply was to the wrong comment but nevertheless the feelings dont change.
Again i am done.
Awesome reply, Starduster, despite it being sent to the wrong comment :D