I believe it has not much to do with religion but rather the government angry at the loss of a potential tax slave being brought into the world. I live in a secular country (Canada) and abortion access still stinks. Finding a clinic is like looking for a needle deep in a haystack and there are crisis pregnancy centers of the plenty (fake abortion clinics) yet no actual abortion clinics in the same city.
Governments in western countries don't like the idea of losing potential citizens, they consider it a net loss so abortion access will always stink whether it's in Canada, the U.S or the U.K etc. ''Religion'' is just but one of the reasons it's restricted not by any means the real reason. South Korea is currently making it really difficult for women to access abortion right now because their country is dealing with a population decline (where as before it was rather unrestricted). Would not be surprised if the same thing happened in Japan since they are so closed to the idea of immigration to supplement their declining population.
You posted this over-analysis of why abortion is ether pro/con. Every law (etc.) is not rooted in politics or money, but science and the human instinct. One state is now proposing abortion based on the presence of a fetal heartbeat.
By the way, since Canada's abortion access (find) for such "stinks", either travel or keep from having casual-sex as a form of self-entitlement. Such a hardship.
Socialist Canada isn't for limiting the healthcare it has to put out? Fewer people means less of a burden on an overloaded system. It doesn't seem likely.
I'm not saying you're wrong about Canada. Healthcare's just a mess up there with a limited access to everything, much like Medicare, Medicaid and the Veteran's Administration down here in America. It's what happens every time you have the government involved.
Canada is not socialist. Healthcare is not a mess, if it was we would vote it out. What you hear about Canada in your country is a myth and the United States is the real welfare state. Things like ''EBT'' do not exist in Canada. We actually have one of the most competitive economies in the world.
The healthcare system that Pres. Trump thinks is so fantastic is the one in Scotland, also socialized medicine. I know a woman who works in that system. She was amazed at how quickly my husband got a CT scan scheduled. "It'd be months, here!" she said. By that time my husband would have been nearly dead. Later she had a medical emergency when her rib cage broke away from her sternum and one of the bones was clearly visible almost poking through the skin. They told her that they'd wait a month to see if the bones went back into place on their own. After the month and no miracle had occurred, they told her it was too late to do anything about it, and that she'd have to just live with it. "Because they get paid either way, so why do anything, right?" "Got it in one!" she said.
And that's the problem with socialized medicine. My husband is now on Medicare, and was forced off the insurance we currently have, even though it would have made a nifty Medicare supplement and we could pay for it. Now he basically gets the same kind of care one would get if they were a veteran, and we all know what a horror show that is.
But now they want us to go to Medicare for all, or some stupid Trumpcare thing -- both of which is socialized medicine. You're probably right about us just kidding ourselves about how much of a free market economy we have. But taking our country to socialized medicine just takes us further down the road to such wonderful economies like Greece. Eventually, as Maggie Thatcher said, we run out of other people's money.
No we have single payer. Socialized medicine is like the U.K NHS. Hospitals are not government owned in Canada and there is no prescription drug coverage dental or vision in provincial healthcare. You Americans don't know too much about the world do you?
Here in the states we call “single payer” socialized medicine. It’s a two-tier system, just like the UK — the wealthy don’t stand in line with the rest of you. They get the kind of healthcare that we are losing in the US.
Americans aren’t the only ones who don’t know much about the world.
No socialized, universal and single payer are all entirely different systems. We do not have a two tier system in Canada. I am from a wealthy family and a parotid gland cancer survivor when I was 19. I was treated at the Princess Margaret hospital in Toronto. There were no ''wait times''. You Americans have your heads right up your ass. Hope your pet negroes have another big riot.