Questions for all

*Spoiler zone* Don't read below if you haven't seen the movie!

1. Who was the girl in the car when they revealed the affair? It looked like the nurse to me.

2. Did Ransom really kill Harlan? If you remember the game Marta and Harlan were playing, she said something about "winning by making art" (with the pieces). In the last scene she is holding that 'my house, my rules, my coffee' mug. Was this all constructed by her to win over Harlan's riches? Maybe she set up Ransom to take the fall to mask what she was up to...


Marta was not the girl having an affair with Richard. If she was she would have admitted it to Blanc since she can't lie without throwing up. Also Harlan was pretty mad about it and would have accused her of it if it had been her. But instead he shows her the image of Richard having the affair and tells her he is exposing him. Also Richard would have blackmailed her after it's revealed she was Harlan's Heir to get her to change the will if that was the case.

Also how could you think Ransom isn't the killer when he tries killing Marta for intentionally making him confess to murdering Fran in front of a cop who was recording it? There is also the fact the dogs barked on the night of Harlan's death and it is confirmed they were barking at him.

Though it is revealed also that Marta actually ended up giving Harlan the correct amount of Morphine and the other drug. So technically Ransom didn't murder Harlan. But he did intentionally switch the lables on the drugs to get her to unintentionally kill him. But it didn't work cause she ended giving him the right dose. He is guilty though of murdering Fran.

No. Marta was a good person. Harlan knew the shady things his family was doing which is why he didn't want to leave them his money and house.


1. Perhaps you missed it, but they clearly showed the woman's face in one of the pictures, and she looked nothing like Marta. She looked to be of African-american descent.

2. Feel free to write a fan-fiction story based on this plot line, but this movie gives the viewer no reason to believe this.


1. An un-named woman who plays no part in the film outside of being featured in the photos, but she is clearly not the nurse.
2. No. He had intent to kill and he set the scene for Marta to kill Harlan, but technically Harlan committed suicide. However, Ransom could definitely get charged with manslaughter charges.
