No matter how good it is...
...the basement dwellers of geekdom will make sure that the ratings for this movie are low. Maybe they should concentrate on getting laid, instead of wasting their time giving their low ratings for this movie.
share...the basement dwellers of geekdom will make sure that the ratings for this movie are low. Maybe they should concentrate on getting laid, instead of wasting their time giving their low ratings for this movie.
shareThey're cutting off their nose to spite their own face. IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes.
shareNo matter how good it is...I refuse to give my money to a movie with the director that ruined my childhood.
shareWhat are you talking about? Star Wars was ruined with the 3 prequels and then The Force Awakens. No one cares about the final movie. Looks like crap. The Last Jedi is going to be considered great compared to the next movie.
shareThe Force Awakens was fun and I fondly remember a standing ovation when it was finished, not the silent gasps of horror from Ruin Johnsons film. No matter how many people criticize the prequels, I bet everyone’s watched them at least 3 times each. I’ll never watch anything by Ruin Johnson again.
shareThe Force Awakens was not a good Star Wars movie. Are you out of your mind. Poorly written crap. You are not a real Star Wars fan. Get out of here.
shareI said it was fun not good so don’t put words in my mouth. It’s possible to enjoy a film in the moment like TFA and then not care for it later on. Ruin Johnson made sure that every fan of SW would hate TLJ with his portrayal of Luke. Anyway..nice chatting with you Monica.
shareThey'll all be camping out in tents on the sidewalk waiting for the next robots and rayguns movie to open. They won't even get this one; it's over their heads.