MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > Star Wars 'Last Jedi' Director Rian John...

Star Wars 'Last Jedi' Director Rian Johnson Brings 'Knives Out' Against Trump Voters

Pretty obvious why RT and MC don't allow conservative critics. Can't wait for the user reviews to show up... Oh wait, RT cancelled them for Chappelle and Bill Burr!

SR reports that "critics at the Toronto International Film Festival [are] gushing about the film’s shared hatred for Trump and his voters," which is about as subtle as a knife to the throat.

Tomris Laffly
KNIVES OUT is a fun ‘fuck you’ to rich white Trump voters, wrapped in a crafty Agatha Christie package. VERY pro immigration. And none of this is subtle. Enjoy it in a crowd. #TIFF19

Matt Goldberg
KNIVES OUT is a total delight from start to finish. It’s also a scathing indictment of American greed in the Trump era. I’ll have more on that when the movie opens in November. #TIFF19

david ehrlich
KNIVES OUT is a diabolical, hilarious, and massively entertaining whodunnit that updates the musty genre for the modern world and all of its MAGA assholes. see it with the biggest crowd you can find.


"rich white Trump voters"? yet most rich white people vote for liberal parties. "And none of this is subtle" I mean I like the kind of cinema that is open for interpretation but yeah lack of subtlety is praise now.


Most white people in general voted for Trump and by a pretty wide margin, including the "wealthiest" group - college educated white men. The only white demographic Hillary won was white college educated women, and just barely. Voting patterns break down largely along racial lines now (both in the U.S. and in Europe) and that is the fault of the leftists who pushed mass immigration on both continents.

And why the fuck are we talking about this here? I thought this was supposed to be a board for some dumb movie.


I can't wait for Trump reelection reaction videos.


I thought some of the political scenes were a little on the nose and made me cringe but you're talking about like 3 minutes out of a 2 hr 10 min movie. Crying victim seems a little silly here.


Rian Johnson loves messing with you all so sensitive Trumpsters. I love it.


sensitive ?
only ones sensitive are the lib leftwing fem-men and feminists,

they are the ones that have been talking about the president for 3 straight years.

low IQ people like you, do of course not realize that


Your comments are funny. You make me laugh.


You don't seem to be able to refute his point.


He would, if us normal people actually watched his crap, and thanks to that pile of shit he pooped out with Star Wars, nobody's gonna want to touch his work with a ten-mile pole.


Star Wars was already a mess after The Force Awakens. I know lots of people who hated it. No one is excited about the Rise of Skywalker. It looks terrible. At least Johnson did something different with Star Wars. I loved how he smashed all of your theories and ideas about what The Last Jedi was going to be. I love to hear all of you babies whining about how Johnson ruined Star Wars. It is the best.


read the responses to those posts.

notice 99% of the responses to those tweets are negative... most tell these twitter users to fuck off in various subtle ways.

so they have no backing at all, even the people that read these tweets do not agree..

fun stuff actually, they are getting destroyed on their own platform


American greed in the Trump era = the middle class is thriving and the working class is finally starting to get ahead for once. Wow, so evil guys.

Look at Canada for comparison. Canadian political correctness in the Trudeau era = the rich are richer and better-connected to government and the Liberal Party than ever before, the middle class is devastated and barely holding on, and the working class is out of work and homeless on the street.


and the country will soon look like europe... my europe, filled with violent low iq muzzies, that will not work but live of welfare and benefits, and free housing and child support to boot !

and will rape/assault you for nothing, like they do in their own backwards countries.

:-( sad shit canada, why did you commit suicide like europe? :-(


Because the publicly-funded news media told everyone that the Conservative leader was going to impose the Handmaid's Tale on women in Canada.

Also, Quebecers and Maritimers are entitled to their entitlements like welfare, employment insurance, public pensions, free healthcare and etc. even though they are not contributing their fair share to the country. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and to a lesser extent Ontario pay for the rest of the country to have all their free shit.


got it

media spewing their lies again, and gullible fools eat it up.

sad shit, but 99% of media is left leaning.

fun stuff actually, when muzzies take over, the press and journalists are the first to go/ be killed.......we see that in the middle east and other dumps......

they are digging their own grave, that is of course fine, just a shame they take us folks with normal IQ with them to the grave.


I interpreted it as a warning to both the right and the left to stop their bickering and to start having more compassion and a genuine conversation.

By the way, there are no supporters of President Trump who are against legal immigration, emphasis on "legal."


That is plainly not true. There are plenty of Trump supporters who are against legal immigration, too. In fact, the President is against c many forms of legal immigration. That is what the end of birthright citizenship is, elimination of the greencard lottery, end of "chain immigration" is all about. That is, unless the immigrants are from Norway or some other white place.




The real world


I didn't think you would have anything substantial. :)


Dude, have you been posting any attention???


Is this a good enough source?


Thank you for the link. Interesting reading, but I'm still finding nothing about the White House wishing to stop legal immigration or promote immigration solely from "white places." (Whatever that means.)


The link I posted literally outlines the Trump Administration's goals of curbing legal immigration in several ways.


Reforming immigration, yes, but not "stopping legal immigration" as you wrote yesterday.


Those are forms of legal immigration that he wants to stop. You cannot deny that.


"To protect American workers, the President supports ending chain migration, eliminating the Visa Lottery, "

And we know he is against birthright citizenship


Birthright citizenship needs to go regardless, as its abused immensely. We need real immigration reform across the board.

It makes no sense to bring tons of people into the country when automation is going take away most of the low skilled jobs they are being brought for. We have a homeless crisis, and veteran mental health issues that need to be addressed first.


It's how our country had always been, though. It's part of our national character.


How long until you abandoned the blue state shit-hole you live-in, move to a red state, then start voting-in the garbage you left in your blue state?

By the way, nice 'appeal to emotion' fallacy with the 'national character' line.

This county has no character, it's endemic with vicious narcissists on the right & left that worship at the alter of mammon & virtue signaling - like you.

Charity starts at home. You want more legal & illegal immigrants from 3rd world dumps that bring their culture with them, who's core competency is breeding, open-up your home and your wallet.

But, you don't want to do that, now do you?

Your gift to your fellow citizens is telling them how to live, and how to spend their money - people like you are irrational, driven by emotional reasoning, and dangerous.

Don't take it personally, however, you have plenty of company on the right.

Christ, with so much in common, one would figure you'd both get along better.


You are filled with a lot of hatred and anger. I'd hate to be you.


You don't have a clue, which is why your criminal leaders gave you the vote.

Look on the bright side, you and your children are going to get to live in the world you and your fellow-travelers are creating - get ready for poverty.


Please go on - I love listening to insane people.


'There are plenty of Trump supporters who want to stop legal immigration.'

Given that your statement isn't reflected in the policy position you referenced as support, you can't even demonstrate a high school level of reading comprehension (or you're being deliberately deceptive?).

And, in view that your only retort to my 'hate-speech' was ad hom, I'll just assume I hit the nail squarely on the head.

That you would paint a vague and undetermined swath of Trump supporters (much as I don't care for him or them) with such a broad brush with no coherent source (other than the echo chamber of group think in which you live?) indicates that facts are irrelevant/optional in your mind.

Therefore, the idea that you have the capability of the discernment and self-reflection required to identify the mentally ill shows how removed from reality you actually are.

In fairness, however, I was assuming with your 'politics by feels' position, that you are a woman - but you're as likely a fem, not that the difference matters.

Enjoy your SmartCities!


Slavery was part of our country for a while too. That went away, so does birthright citizenship.


Hear hear, B1cKsurn!!!


Nothing like making a film that mocks half of the people in the country (possibly more).


Actually, it mocked 100% of the population.
