Another way to look at this movie
This movie is getting rave reviews. Imagine the following -
Mexican drug cartel's boss has his son kidnapped and taken to the US. He sends a special forces operative and team to get him back. Who proceeds to destroy half the city, murder and kill hundreds of cops and innocent civilians, all of it just to save some scumbag's son who btw thinks its 'brave' that all these other people are being killed to save him.
Would audiences have cheered and rooted for that? Hell no. But hey, its just brown skinned Indians/Bangladeshis, they're barely human, plus they are poor so who cares. And the film specifically focuses on slums and poor sections, and all the army/cops never have their faces shown, just to make it even more obvious that these people's lives don't matter. Even Black Hawk Down wasn't this blatant about showing white supremacy.