The only thing I felt missing in Star Trek: Picard was the Klingons. Hopefully they will show up in the second season.
shareThe only thing I felt missing in Star Trek: Picard was the Klingons. Hopefully they will show up in the second season.
shareIf so, I hope they're real Klingons, not Discovery Klingons.
sharePersonally, I have no problem with the Discovery Klingons. Granted they ARE different, but is not the universe itself in a state of constant change? Be one with the universe, grasshopper.
shareGood response!
I think my problem with Discovery is the same as my problem with Enterprise: going backward & retconning, rather than moving forward & exploring something new. Star Trek was always about looking ahead. That's why Next Generation worked so well, for me -- it jumped some 80+ years ahead of Kirk's time & built on what had been established, while opening new horizons. Setting new Trek series in its past strikes me as fanfic ... and not always good fanfic. I'd much rather see a new Trek series set, say, 80-100 years after Next Generation, to be honest.
Again, this is just my preference, nothing more.
Excellent idea. It would be called STAR TREK - The FUTURE GENERATION. The Enterprise would be captained by William Riker IV, his first officer would be half-Betazoid half-Ferengi, there would some sort of mutual understanding with the Borg, and Wesley would have an intimate relationship with Q. How's that for a futuristic series?
Worf might make an appearance next season.
I’m only wondering how he will look like - Like regular Worf or new klingon Worf?