MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > Any non-woke who has seen the series, ho...

Any non-woke who has seen the series, how is it?

Woke, please do refrain. I know you'll like it very much. That's fine.

I'm interested in non-woke viewers' opinion. Anybody has seen the first episodes? Is it any good? How is the level of preachiness? Is it full woke, medium woke?


LMAO. What a dipshit.


Man.... OK. I like it. And I accept this is tangent reality. Not actual canon. JJ verse. But that aside, the elements of the story are total horseshit. This isn't scifi. It's MAGIC.


Thanks. For what I understand, it's more or less the same line than the JJ movies, isn't it?


And damn, I really don't like when scifi goes magic. That happened in Doctor Who. And I'm not even talking about the Whittaker Doctor. That happened with Matt Smith. Starting with him, the sonic screwdriver became a magic wand. Some problem? the Doctor waves the sonic screwdriver, says some teeny weeny non-sense and problem fixed!

It happened something similar back in the 70s too, btw, but then they banned the sonic screwdriver and prohibited scriptwriters to use it as a plot device, to force them to think less in magic terms and more like a scifi series.


Perfect example. Yes. Picard features magic wand Doctor Who "science".


It's not really the kelvin timeline. Picard exists in old Spock's timeline before he went back in time to meet young Kirk. That would make it canon.


I wanted this to be good SOOOO badly but it is just awful. It being WOKE has nothing to do with it.

It would be awful if it were not WOKE.


Irish and Swindon Romulan ended it for me.

It looks like they have about 4 episodes of material and are dragging it out. Each episode goes no where, it's just boring.

Plus don't get me started on the bastardisation of Starfleet


It's so relentlessly grim and dark. And the dialog is god awful. Ignoring this being a Star Trek show, it's not even a very good science fiction show. The writing is very repetitious. Characters just take turns giving long speeches to each other. Sometimes rehashing their dialog over and over again. And that's filler.


Episode 1 was good, no preaching. Some interesting action. Got me optimistic.

Episode 2 was so so boring. Zero action. Just people talking to each other. "I'm going to do this", "oh no you're not" blah blah blah. V tedious.

And a Romulan with an Irish accent.

A triumph of style over substance.




I would like to see a better answer. Some interesting opinions in here but I'm not seeing a direct answer to kuku's question other than "Ep 1 not preachy."
Is this show "full woke" or "medium woke" etc?

I can take some woke shit in media* (I take my politics a-la-carte) but when it is too important to the writers then it spoils the soup. Look at Christian movies for a great example. I worry that Picard will suck since Stewart made clear that he has a bone to pick with Trump. No fucking interest in someone's personal political crusade.

*For instance, I love Elementary and think Holmes' slight left lean is fine (even appropriate). Light woke.


For what I got from the RedLetterMedia (which is quite long, but very interesting, more than the episodes themselves for sure), it's starting light woke (though wokeness can be turned up later on during the season, that's becoming a common trend), but the main problem is that the script is total non-sense.


Ah! Thanks. I love those guys. Haven't checked in since their TRoS review. Alas, I'll have to subsist on TOS, TNG, and Star Trek Continues until Seth McF takes over in 2022 (may this rumor be true).


There are as you say "woke" elements in the new series (Other than Picard vast majority of people in charge if not all are women so far), but what I like about the series is that there is actually a story, not just a repetitive soap, in which every few episodes has a new low quality story. The dialogues seem to be intelligent enough, the acting is decent, so far it is watchable even some parts are a bit corny (Bear in mind I am a star wars fan given up on "The Mandalorian" after 3 episodes).


It's woke in that they make sure that there is active participation of actors of both genders and all races, and that women are in positions of authority and/or central to the action of the narrative. The main male characters are quietly suffering and introspective, sometimes struggling to be heard or understood. Some males are clearly in subservient power relationships to female characters. Some may say this more or less reflecting normal reality, but it is certainly an active reverse the heroic male trope in scifi and adventure series often have defaulted to in shows. Traditionally, men are the leaders, doers, apparently always assertive in society and that has informed representations in fiction. So, I see an active strategy to change that. But I'm not sure if it improves the quality of intelligence of a show.

I don't classify myself easily in any political category - I don't believe a show should be used to spread propaganda and clearly this has been done by either Left or Right type ideologies. Trek is a vehicle for progressive social philosophy but it's not meant to be a reactionary woke vehicle.


I would say that at the moment it is as relatively light woke. Are some of the characters going to trigger people that are looking for woke bullshit to say "see, there it is"... Yes. But the truth is even in a show that isn't trying to push an agenda you could find some things that you could claim were agenda driven.

I hate woke shit and will usually stop watching a series if it goes down that trail too far. Picard hasn't gotten to heavy handed yet, but I'm only 2 episodes in so it could change. Of course for non-woke reason I may stop watching because thus far the show is extremely slow and boring. Very little action but I'll hold off a total write off until probably episode 4.
