It's woke in that they make sure that there is active participation of actors of both genders and all races, and that women are in positions of authority and/or central to the action of the narrative. The main male characters are quietly suffering and introspective, sometimes struggling to be heard or understood. Some males are clearly in subservient power relationships to female characters. Some may say this more or less reflecting normal reality, but it is certainly an active reverse the heroic male trope in scifi and adventure series often have defaulted to in shows. Traditionally, men are the leaders, doers, apparently always assertive in society and that has informed representations in fiction. So, I see an active strategy to change that. But I'm not sure if it improves the quality of intelligence of a show.
I don't classify myself easily in any political category - I don't believe a show should be used to spread propaganda and clearly this has been done by either Left or Right type ideologies. Trek is a vehicle for progressive social philosophy but it's not meant to be a reactionary woke vehicle.